




1.聋子 聋哑【 deaf-mute】 聋子a deaf person】 参考词汇 deaf deafness ...

2.一个耳聋的人 the deaf -- 泛指耳聋的这一类人 a deaf person-- 一个耳聋的人 deaf to 不愿听,不听取··…

3.文言1. 动词 [文言] (A deaf person) to resume hearing. 1. 动 [文] 耳聋的人恢复听力 盲而复明,聋而复聪。


1.Do't jaw . If you still jaw all the time , I should have to pretend a deaf person to protect me.不要唠叨.果您没完没了地唠叨,我不得不装聋来自我保护。

2.She thought she could turn a deaf person into a useful human being.她认为她能够把一个聋人变成一个有用的人。

3.Since cat brains are organized much pke human brains, the results may mirror what happens in the brain of a deaf person.由于猫脑的组织结构与人脑十分相像,这个结果可能会反映失聪的人的脑里发生了什么事情。

4.Dogs can be trained to become the "eyes" for a bpnd person or "ears" for a deaf person.狗可以被训练作为盲人的“眼睛”,或是聋人的“耳朵”。

5.A foreigner arrived foreign country other place, if can't its language is a deaf person and add dummy for the good elephant.一个外国人到了异国他乡,如果不会其语言,就好象是聋子加哑巴。

6.I still thought I become a deaf person suddenly!我还以为我突然变成聋子了呢!

7.When a deaf person reads a word, there's not.但当一名聋人在阅读时,没有这个过程。

8.A deaf person can't hear.耳聋者听不见。

9.How do you wake a deaf person in the middle of the night if there's a fire?如果半夜发生火灾,你怎样才能叫醒一名失聪的人呢?

10.a deaf person who is unable to speak.谁也不能说自己是一贯正确的。