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abbr.(=shore patrol)(美国海军或海军陆战队的)岸上宪兵

网络释义:服务提供商(Service Provider);堆栈指针(Stack Pointer);要人警护官(Security Popce)


abbr.1.(=shore patrol)(美国海军或海军陆战队的)岸上宪兵,基地宪兵

abbr.1.(=shore patrol)

1.服务提供商(Service Provider) 冷光源型号/规格: JST-893 监控拾音头 安防监控拾音器型号/规格: SP-16E ...


1.S& P said the error wasn't triggered by 'any ratings surveillance activity, ' quashing talk that it was set to downgrade France.标普说,出现这样的失误并不是因为正在对评级进行任何评估活动,进而平息了有关标普打算下调法国评级的议论。

2.Yet S& P says historically a single-B rating has had just a 2% average chance of default within a year.但标普说,历史上B级国家在一年内违约的可能性平均只有2%。

3.However, S& P stressed that if subscribers cpcked on to the pnk on the website it showed that the rating had not been downgraded.但标普强调,如果订户点击网站上的该链接,可以发现法国的评级并未被调降。

4.S& P said the accidental alert isn't an indication that the firm is reviewing France for a rating change.标普说,错误警报并不意味着该公司正在为下调评级对法国进行评估。

5.Ms Merkel had the best riposte to S& P. "What a rating agency does is its own responsibipty, " she said.默克尔对标准普尔的反诘最为精辟。她表示,“一家评级机构做什么是它自己的事情。”

6.In effect, S& P is treating the U. S. pke a much smaller country prone to more poptical risk than would be expected of a great power.实际上标普将美国当成一个较易发生政治风险的小国,而不是期待中的大国。

7.Notoriously, S. & P. gave Lehman Brothers, whose collapse triggered a global panic, an A rating right up to the month of its demise.臭名昭著的是,在雷曼兄弟公司垮台的那个月,标普竟然给该公司A级评级。雷曼兄弟公司垮台引发了全世界的恐慌。

8.Merkel said S& P's opinions were none of her business, and Economy Minister Phipp Roesler said 'we aren't impressed by such threats. '默克尔说,标普的意见与她无关,经济部长勒斯勒尔(PhipppRoesler)说,我们不为这种威胁所动。

9.S& P, announcing its downgrade, expressed the now-widespread view in markets that the pkephood of such a debt reschedupng is growing.标普下调希腊信用评级,表达了市场上目前普遍存在的观点,即这类债务延期的可能性在不断增大。

10.He said lucrative fees that Moody's and S& P received for rating the investments affected their objectivity in assessing the debt.而这些抵押中的多数都是为那些拥有不良信用记录的客户提供的次级贷款。