


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=acceptable daily intake)(辐射线,药物等)每日允许摄入量

英文单词:美国模拟器件公司(Analog Devices Inc.);每日允许摄入量(acceptable daily intake);亚德诺


abbr.1.(=acceptable daily intake)(辐射线,药物等)每日允许摄入量

abbr.1.(=acceptable daily intake)

1.美国模拟器件公司(Analog Devices Inc.) 德州仪器 TI 亚德诺 ADI 德州仪器 TI BB ...

4.诚洲 Addonics( 花王) ADI诚洲) AGFA( 爱克发) ...

5.等温淬火球铁(austempering ductile iron) FUJITSU 富士通 ADI 亚德诺半导体 MOTOROLA 摩托罗拉 ...


1.of my bed and saw Beloved Adi Da standing there, surrounded by golden light, with His hands on His hips, and an amused look on His face.我在我的床尾看到挚爱阿谛达站在那儿,他的手和臀部都被金色的光芒环绕,脸孔流露出愉悦的神情。

2.He was forced to grapple with the problem when he analysed the satellite data and found a slight decline in precipitation around Adi Ha.当他分析了卫星数据,发现阿迪哈周围降雨量略有下降时,他不得不尽力解决这个问题。

3.What are the key factors that you think ADI is leading the edge in the chip industry?您认为ADI在芯片市场领先的最关键因素是什么?

4.Many Jedi died that day, though Ki-Adi-Mundi was one of the survivors.就在那一天,尽管基-阿迪-芒迪生还,但许多绝地阵亡。

5.It took Adi Shamir a year to break a 120 - digit key using a network of distributed Sun workstations working part-time .为了破解一个120位的密钥,阿迪·沙米尔在业余时间用太阳工作站的分布式网络工作了一年。

6.Adi served as the Wall Street Journal's Moscow bureau chief in the early 1990s and was eager to get back to Russia.20世纪90年代阿迪在《华尔街日报》担任莫斯科分部的总编辑,并且非常渴望能回到莫斯科。

7.Ki-Adi-Mundi recorded on several occasions that he found Bacara's aggressive tendencies to be remarkable for a clone.基·阿迪·芒迪在几个不同的场合都声称,他发现巴卡拉的进攻策略对一个克隆人来说是非凡的。

8.The two returned to Coruscant, where Ki-Adi-Mundi addressed the Senate, updating the ruling body on the progress of the war.他们俩回到科洛桑,在那里,基-阿迪-芒迪向议会作报告,把战争的最新进展告诉统治机关。

9.MultiChip Products leverage Analog Devices silicon into a single package, providing a robust, cost effective and space saving solutions.多芯片产品将ADI公司的半导体技术引入一个单独的封装,从而提供一种鲁棒性、经济有效和节省空间的解决方案。

10.When Luminara disappears while tracking the Geonosian warlord, Obi-Wan and Ki-Adi-Mundi lead a platoon of clone troopers in search of her.卢米娜拉在追踪吉奥诺西斯军阀时失踪,欧比万和基-阿迪-芒迪率领一个排的克隆人士兵去找她。