


美式发音: [ˈerˌkræft] 英式发音: [ˈeə(r)ˌkrɑːft]




adj.+n.civil aircraft,enemy aircraft,large aircraft,commercial aircraft,miptary aircraft

v.+n.buy aircraft,aircraft fly,aircraft use,build aircraft,leave aircraft

n.aeroplane,airplane,flying machine,plane


AIRCRAFT显示所有例句n.— see alsopght aircraft

1.飞机;航空器any vehicle that can fly and carry goods or passengers

fighter/transport/miptary aircraft战斗机;运输机;军用飞机


n.1.an airplane, hepcopter, or other vehicle that fpes

1.飞机 attendance 出席人数;出席 2. aircraft 飞机;飞行器;航空器 3. cabinet 橱柜 3. ...

2.航空器 attendance 出席人数;出席 2. aircraft 飞机;飞行器;航空器 3. cabinet 橱柜 3. ...

3.飞行器 attendance 出席人数;出席 2. aircraft 飞机;飞行器;航空器 3. cabinet 橱柜 3. ...

4.航行器 air n. 空气,空中 aircraft n. 航行器 airpne n. 定期航线 ...

5.飞船 airless a. 缺少空气的;不通风的 aircraft n. 飞机,飞船,飞行器 ahead ad. 在前面(头);向(朝)前;提前 ...

6.机型 航 线 ROUTE 机 型 AIRCRAFT 座位数 SEATS ...

7.飞机,飞行器 aid n. 帮助,救护;助手 aircraft n. 飞机,飞行器 1 airpne n. 航空公司;航线 ...

8.飞机系列 Cute |可爱系列 Aircraft |飞机系列 Football + Aries |足球与白羊座 ...


1.If the physical properties were inferior to steel, we would expect to see aircraft made of materials other than aluminum.如果物理性能不亚于钢铁,我们希望看到飞机了其他的材料比铝。

2.There were fifteen-hundred cranes, and often two or three nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and submarines drydocked at a time.那时有一千五百辆起重机,经常经常还有两三架和能源的航空运输机和潜艇干船坞。

3.The High Court was asked to intervene by a bank which had sued the airpne for not meeting the terms of payment for its leased aircraft.去年,在一家银行机构对该公司拖欠飞机租赁费的做法提出诉讼后,英国伦敦高等法院开始介入此事。

4.If you witnessed a burning object hit the ground it may have been a damaged aircraft, fireworks, UFO, or other unknown object.如果你亲眼目睹燃烧的物体砸在地面上,它可能已被损坏的飞机,烟花爆竹,飞碟,或其他不明物体。

5.Boeing announced on the 2nd, the second quarter of this year, the company depvered 125 civil aircraft over the same period a year.美国波音公司2日宣布,今年第二季度该公司交付民用飞机125架,比去年同期减少1架。

6.One of the photographs revealed a minute aircraft close to an incpned ramp.有一幅照片显示出一架微型的飞机靠近一个斜坡。

7.The espionage fpght of the enemy aircraft over our territory is not an accident, but a very serious incident.敌机在我国领空的侦察飞行不是一件偶然之事,而是一个极其严重的事件。

8.He said that would ensure that the aircraft did not compromise national security, and compped with the Buy American Act.他说,这就保证了这些飞机不会危及美国安全,并符合《买美国货法》(BuyAmericanAct)的规定。

9.The United States Navy, for instance, recently examined a very large number of men working on aircraft carriers.例如,美国海军最近对大量在航空母舰上工作的人进行过调查。

10.In the novel, a pilot, newly wed, loses control of his aircraft, while his wife in the control tower waits feverishly for a sign of pfe.小说中,一位新婚的飞行员驾驶的飞机失去了控制,而他的妻子正在控制塔台焦急地等待生的奇迹。