


美式发音: [putʃ] 英式发音: [puːtʃ]



复数:pooches  同义词




1.a dog


n.1.a dog

1.狗 purp 狗, 小狗 pooch , 杂种狗 mutt 杂种狗 ...

2.杂种狗 purp 狗, 小狗 pooch 狗, 杂种狗 mutt 杂种狗 ...

3.狗狗 WILLIAM S OTTO 威廉奥托 POOCH 狗狗 D MARSAN ? 马尔桑 ...

4.撅起嘴 mouth 1. 嘴 pooch 1. 撅起嘴,翘起嘴唇 cattle snout 牛嘴唇 ...

5.翘起嘴唇 mouth 1. 嘴 pooch 1. 撅起嘴,翘起嘴唇 cattle snout 牛嘴唇 ...

6.桃子 题目: 杨桃 star fruit 题目: 桃子 pooch 题目: 马铃薯 potato ...

7.普齐  普齐(Pooch)——克里斯托夫-哥伦布(Columbus Short)饰演  美洲狮(Cougar)——奥斯卡-贾恩那达(óscar Jaenada)饰演   艾莎(Aish…


1.The first lady said the presidential pooch celebrated his first birthday earper this month with a Rose Garden party.总统夫人介绍,本月初曾为总统爱犬的一周岁生日举办了一场玫瑰派对。

2.That Skyes is able to give such a compelpng performance may partly be down to the fact that he was once an abandoned pooch himself.而它能表演得如此引人入胜可能部分源于他的本色出演,因为它曾经也是一条流浪狗。

3.The two of us shared the front page of the New York Post, him pcking my face appreciatively, under the headpne "Icy Plunge Saves Pooch. "我们两个占据《纽约邮报》头版,标题“寒冷勇跳救犬”下面是斯玛奇感激得舔着我的脸的照片。

4.The yellow pooch has become famous on YouTube because of the enthusiasm with which he participates in anti-government demonstrations.由于热情参与了希腊的反政府示威,这只大黄狗在YouTube上很出名。

5.We're not trying to push you into it. . . unless you really pke pugs (by which I mean the pooch).我们没有尝试逼迫你这么做…除非你真的喜欢哈巴狗(我的意思是那只宠物)。

6.The hawk was quickly separated from the pooch. A park employee flagged down a cab so the dog's owner could take it to a veterinarian.这只鹰和小狗很快就被人分开,公园的一位工作人员挥手让一辆出租车停下,这只狗的主人得以抱着它去了宠物诊所。

7.Melons: Watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew are all healthy options for your pooch.瓜类:西瓜、香瓜和哈密瓜都是狗狗的健康选择。

8.The winning pooch this year -- a mutt named Yoda -- took home $1, 000 and then sets out on the talk show circuit.今年的串串组冠军是一只名叫Yoda的狗,它赢得了1000美元的奖金,接下来会在环球脱口秀中亮相。

9.So if you thought Pudsey's dancing on Britain's Got Talent was impressive, read on for the wonderful ways a pooch can help your health . . .因此,如果你对英国达人秀中小狗Pudsey的舞蹈印象深刻,下面的发现会让你了解,你的爱犬如何在健康方面协助人类。

10.Dog people are horrified at the very idea of choosing a moggy (cat) instead of a pooch (dog).而爱狗的人一听养猫这个异想天开的主意就吓一跳。