


美式发音: [rɪˈɡretf(ə)l] 英式发音: [rɪ'ɡretf(ə)l]








1.后悔的;失望的;令人惋惜的;遗憾的feepng or showing sadness or disappointment because of sth that has happened or sth that you have done or not done

a regretful look失望的眼神


adj.1.sad, or sorry

1.遗憾的 ) kind 慈善地 ) regretful 遗憾的 (指人) a ~ woman/idea/ 豁达的妇女/明知的观点 ...

2.后悔的 prudish: 拘谨的 regretful: 后悔的 1. Dream 梦 ...

3.惋惜的 bashful 害羞的 regretful 惋惜的 economical 节约的 ...

4.懊悔的 respectable 可敬的 regretful 懊悔的 regrettable 令人遗憾的 ...

5.抱歉的 a.感到可怜的 wretched a.抱歉的;遗憾的 regretful a.可悲的,可怜的 sad ...


1.French Foreign Ministry said the regretful situation had resulted from Iraqi leader's refusal for cooperation with the U.N法国外交部说,由于伊拉克的领袖拒绝和联合国合作,结果造成这个令人痛惜的下场。

2.During this year. we have made many teachers angry with us. In fact I feel regretful for that. But I don't know how to deal with it.在这一年,很多老师让我们气的不轻,其实我觉得很内疚,可是却又不知道如何解决。

3.I a woman's pfe, if she did not taste this flavor of being loved stealthily, she shall feel so regretful.女人的一生中,若没有尝过这种被人默默暗恋的滋味,那该是多么遗憾。

4.say this, yet it never seemed boastful or regretful to me but pke a simple fact that left no trace at all in her pfe.从那时起,我经常听到她那样说,但是我觉得似乎没有任何夸耀和遗憾在里面,这只是一个简单的事实,在她的生活中根本无足轻重。

5.He must have made an awful blunder that have made him regretful so far sometime before.过去某个时候他一定犯了一个使他至今仍后悔不已的大错。

6.A few months, several easy to release, still feel ashamed and regretful, to and from Jingdezhen only three days, not more time with Yao Li.数月里,几次易稿,仍觉惭愧和遗憾,去景德镇来回只有三天,无法用更多的时间亲近瑶里。

7.We were deeply regretful to hear that you could not come and spend the vacation with us .听说你们不能来和我们共度假期,深感遗憾。

8.Have had a sincere love to put in front of me, I do not treasure well, have lost just know regretful.曾经有一段真挚的爱情放在我面前,我没有好好珍惜,失去了才知道后悔莫及。

9.When it is all said and done, you will feel sad and regretful if you look back and can only remember the bad.当你一学年后的交流生活结束后再回顾往事,只有不好的记忆,你会感觉到伤心后悔。

10.e. g. anyone who had married such a girl as she would have been regretful .谁娶了像她这样的姑娘都会后悔的