


美式发音: [ˌeɪen'si:] 英式发音: [ˌeɪen'si:]



英文单词:奥尼;非洲民族议会(African National Congress);安克雷奇(Anchorage)



1.非洲人国民大会(南非政党)African National Congress(= a political party in South Africa)


n.1.[International Organizations ]African National Congress

1.奥尼 四川湖山电器有限责任公司 NBN 奥尼 ANC 傲森 Awesome ...

2.非洲民族议会(African National Congress) AMS-- 阿姆斯特丹 ANC-- 安克雷奇 AQG-- 安庆 ...

4.非国大答:非国大anc)从1961年起就成了地下组织,因此那时候你实际上无法“加入”。我那时虽然也是非国大成员,但并没有什么 …

5.执政党非洲民族议会在执政党非洲民族议会 (ANC) 全国党员代表大会上被推选为新任党主席的朱玛,因前私人财务顾问谢克向法国军火商索取钜额 …


1.Another of Mr Zuma's kingmakers, the powerful ANC Youth League, also appears to have fallen out of love with its former idol.祖玛总统的另一个拥立者,即实力雄厚的非国大青年联盟似乎也已不再推崇其往日的偶像。

2.It is worth remembering that this was an astonishing reversal of ANC policy.值得记取的是,这是非国大政策惊心动魄的转折点。

3.Speaking at Sunday's ANC rally, former President Nelson Mandela did not endorse Zuma, and did not offer praise for his party's achievements.周日在ANC党的集会上,前总统曼德拉没有支持祖马,没有对他的党取得的进步表示褒奖。

4.Mr Zuma is charismatic and canny, as you would expect of a guerrilla who rose to be head of intelligence for the now-ruling ANC.祖玛是有魅力且精明的,正如你所预期,他将是一位为了现在执政的非洲国民大会而上升到情报机关核心的游击员。

5.The party is threatening to stand on its own in future elections, an option that would look more realistic if the ANC were to split.该党威胁要在日后选举中自立,如果非国大发生分裂,这一选择看起来更为现实。

6.The ANC said it was "appalled" by the court's attempt to "rewrite" the history of the liberation struggle and has vowed to appeal.非洲国民大会声称被法院想要“重写”解放斗争历史的意图“吓坏了”,而且已经发誓将上诉。

7.Long before the ANC came to power, fearful whites had begun to leave the country in droves.早在非国大上台之前,恐慌的白人就开始成群结队地离开南非。

8.This sort of situation highlights a critical weakness in the anC leadership: accountability.这种情况突出了非国大领导层方面的极为严重的弱点:有责任心。

9.But fully 71% said they would still vote for the ANC, up from an impressive 66% in the general election a year ago.有高达71%的民众表示会继续选国大党,超过了去年大选时就已经让人瞠目结舌的66%。

10.As a revolutionary movement it sees ANC people appointed to run state organs as "deployed cadres" whose prime loyalty is to the party.作为一场革命运动,被指定的作为“部署干部”来运作国家机器的ANC人,主要的忠诚却是对该党而不是国家的。