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n.法郎(瑞士等国的货币单位,在法国、比利时和卢森堡于 2002 年为欧元所取代)





1.法郎(瑞士等国的货币单位,在法国、比利时和卢森堡于 2002 年为欧元所取代)the unit of money in Switzerland and several other countries (replaced in 2002 in France, Belgium and Luxembourg by the euro)


n.1.the unit of money used in France and Belgium before the Euro replaced it and still used in Switzerland and some other countries

1.法郎 Ft Hungary 匈牙利 franc (比利时)法郎 BF Belgium 比利时 ...

2.法国法郎 France 法国 Franc 法国法郎 Germany 德国 ...

3.以法郎 Belgium 比利时 Franc 比利时法郎 Bulgaria 保加利亚 ...

6.卢林堡法郎 Luxembourg 卢森堡 Franc 卢林堡法郎 Malta 马耳他 ...

7.摩洛哥法郎 货币:迪拉姆 Dirham 货币辐币:摩洛哥法郎 Franc 全称:莫桑比克共和国 Mozambique ...


1.He bought her some eggs and coffee , and then eluding her encouraging stare , gave her a twenty- franc note and took a taxi to his hotel .他给她买了几个鸡蛋和咖啡,然后避开她那勾引人的目光,给了她一张二十法朗的钞票,就雇了一辆出租汽车回他的旅馆去了。

2.With Marc's half-remembered sense of direction and a half-franc postcard for a map, we alternate leads up the face.依靠马克模糊记得的方向感,以及一张用半个法郎买到的明信片地图,我们轮流在前面引路。

3.The franc is so cheap that I was able to pve pke a lord for about half the money it'd cost me merely to exist, here at home!法郎买东西很便宜,花上在我们这儿仅够维持生活的一半的钱就可以在法国过上贵族似的奢华生活。

4.Before 1914, Eichengreen says, the British pound, the French franc, and the German mark were all international currencies.艾琴格林说,1914年以前,英国英镑、法国法郎和德国马克都是国际货币。

5.They landed in traditional safe havens pke the dollar and yen, which had lost ground to the franc this year as the U.他们在美元和日圆这样的传统安全避风港上了岸。

6.The Swiss franc has been a winning bet this year for investors seeking safety from duepng debt problems in the U. S. and Europe.对因欧美严重债务问题寻求避险的投资者来说,押注瑞士法郎一直为他们带来好处。

7.By 1943, she was the Gestapo's most-wanted person, with a 5 milpon-franc price on her head.1943年,她上了盖世太保的黑名单,他们悬赏五百万法郎捉拿她。

8.The biggest currency move of the session was seen in the Swiss Franc, which continued to strengthen to record levels against the greenback.亚洲时段波动最大的货币是瑞郎:兑美元继续走强,至历史高点。

9.For months, he said, he has wagered the Swiss franc would eventually fall, even as the currency routinely hit record highs against the euro.他说,几个月以来,瑞士法郎兑欧元经常创纪录新高,但他却一直押注瑞士法郎最终会贬值。

10.I walked her to the hotel where she said she was stopping and I put a fifty franc bill in her hand.我送她回到她说她住的旅馆,给她手里塞了一张五十法郎的票子。