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复数:apps  同义词




n.1.a computer application

1.应用程式把应用程式(APP) 压缩包装编译后,便成副档名叫做APK的档案 回答者: Re ( 初学者 4 级 ) 回答时间: 2013-03-24 16:21:29

2.应用程序(Application)应用程序信息文件被存放在应用程序所在的目录,它们一般都有与应用程序(.app)一样的名字,但扩展名为.aif。 和其他文件 …

3.手机应用程式智慧手机应用程式(app)可帮忙。而且,西北大学医学院研究显示,使用应用程式辅助健身者比其他人能多减15磅,并在一年内 …

4.聚磷酸铵聚磷酸铵(APP)是一种性能良好的无机阻燃剂,是目前磷系阻燃剂比较活跃的研究领域,其外观为白色粉末,分解温度>256C, …

5.应用软体各式的应用软体(App)随著智慧型手机与平板电脑大行其道,重要性与日俱增。不论是­通讯软体Line或是小游戏愤怒鸟,App早 …

6.应用软件(applicationsoftware)儿童应用软件APP)已势不可挡地闯入了儿童世界,成为不少创业者的淘金之所,但这一市场更新速度快却无有效市场反馈 …



1.They also provide a great way for customers to stay up to date on the changing content of an app without having to log in repeatedly.它也是客户无需一次次地登录就能获得一个应用的内容的最新变化的绝妙方法。

2.Think of this as a hobbyist's test project, and if you come up with a killer app for it, you might just be able to make a profit anyway.可以把这看作是爱好者的一个测试项目,如果您为它编出一个极棒的应用程序,那么无论如何您完全能够从中受益。

3.The app would be very simple, it would have controls allowing the user to select the voice and speed, pitch, and variance of that voice.这个应用程序将非常简单,它会控制,允许用户选择的声音和速度,音高,那声音和方差。

4."This is focused on the app team" at a business, which often has no insight into hardware performance, he said.他说,这是在解决应用开发团队不能随时监测硬件活动的这一问题。

5.Earlier this week, though, we reported on what appeared to be the very first - an update to an app called Metro Paris Subway.但是,我们本周报道了一个叫做“巴黎地铁”(MetroParisSubway)的软件,似乎这是第一款iPhoneAR软件。

6.You'll notice right away on a Touch 2 app when you start your app how much faster it starts up and renders to screen.在Toucstrong应用中,当用户启动app并在屏幕上呈现时,马上就能注意到超快的速度。

7.If you are working on an app, and these jobs are not being filled, find someone who has these skills to do so or give it a try yourself.如果你正从事应用程序的工作,这些工作也确实缺人,找到有这些技巧并这么做的人,或自己尝试一下。

8.Internet gambling's explosive growth has made it the Web's killer app. Now critics are trying to pull the plug.爆炸性增长的因特网赌博使它成为网络上的杀手程序,而现在严厉的指责正试图终结它的生命。

9.In our tests, the app worked just as advertised, though it took a while for the desktop tool to index all of our photos.在我们的测试中,这款应用工作正常,不过桌面应用程序索引图片花了一些时间。

10.I won't admit how much time I have wasted tracking the circumference of my thighs on a spreadsheet, or my caloric intake on the LoseIt app.我不想承认我花了多少时间去记录我的腿围,或者在LoseIt应用程序上记录我的卡路里摄取量。