


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=precision-guided missile)精确制导导弹[飞弹]

英文单词:铂族金属(Platinum group metals);个人基因组仪(Personal Genome Machine);精确制导武器(precision-guided munitions)


abbr.1.(=precision-guided missile)精确制导导弹[飞弹]

abbr.1.(=precision-guided missile)

1.铂族金属(Platinum group metals)其中铂族金属( PGM) 含量 分析结果示于表1。 ① 基金项目: 国家重点工业试验项目   收稿日期: 2002 12 25; 修订日期: 2003 03 2…

2.个人基因组仪(Personal Genome Machine)Life Technologies于2010年底推出了首款半导体测序仪:Ion Personal Genome MachinePGM™)测序仪。Ion Torrent, 个人 …

3.精确制导武器(precision-guided munitions)·在评估精确制导武器PGM )X才抗运动目标中假设是线性的和独立的事件可能的误差量级,也包括“尾巴”效应4.4 处理不确 …

4.葡萄糖磷酸变位酶(phosphoglucomutase)通过提高葡萄糖磷酸变位酶(PGM)和葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(Ga-IU)的活性,从而促进牛奶乳糖发酵多糖的产生。因此,利用基因工 …


1.While it is possible to lower the number of V. sub. pgm pulses used before declaring an error condition, as mentioned, this reduces yield.尽管有可能降低在宣告错误状态(如所提及)之前使用的Vpgm脉冲的数目,但这降低了良率。

2.Probabilistic graphical model(PGM) and its application have become a new hot-spot as a challenging research.概率图模型及其应用作为一个具有挑战性的研究领域目前已成为一个新的研究热点。

3.Unplug the black and white connectors from the PGM-IV and remove the insulation from the black connector to expose as much wire as possible.拔下连接黑白从铂族金属-和消除绝缘的黑色连接器揭露了线的可能。

4.An algorithm that avoids inconvenient "phase unwinding" treatment is proposed for the computation of angular glint by PGM.对采用PGM计算角闪烁提出了一种不需要进行“相位伸直”处理的算法;

5.Analysts anticipated a rush of investment dollars into the market for PGM, or platinum metals group, if ETFS is given the final nod to list.分析师预期,若ETFS获得最终的上市许可,将有大量投资资金涌入市场追捧铂族金属。

6.Precision Guided Munition " smart " bomb, bomb that uses radar laser or some other method to ensure accurate targeting, PGM.精确引向武器,“时髦”炸弹,使用雷达激光或其它方法保证瞄准精确度的炸弹。

7.V. sub. pgm includes a series of pulses that increase in magnitude over time.Vpgm包含量值随着时间增加的一系列脉冲。

8.With the development of the business, the human resources management in Dalian PGM has been getting more maturer with each passing day.随着企业的发展,大连PGM的人力资源管理也日趋成熟。

9.To compile the programs in this article and get the PGM objects, you can refer to below commands in listing 1.要编译本文中的程序并获取PGM对象,可以参考清单1中的以下命令。

10.Two types of variation of PGM were found among these 40 clones of C. bomb i by PGM.根据PGM,发现这40个熊蜂短股虫克隆中具有两种变异型。
