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英文单词:数据库(Adaptive Server Enterprise);日月光(Advanced Semiconductor Engineering);放大自发辐射(Amplified Spontaneous Emission)



abbr.1.American Stock Exchange

1.数据库(Adaptive Server Enterprise)ADAPTIVE SERVER ENTERPRISE (ASE) 是 SYBASE 的旗舰式 RDBMS 产品,一直致力于以最低的系统总拥有成本 (TCO) …

2.日月光(Advanced Semiconductor Engineering)日月光(ASE)某位工程师,离别感言, 这篇文章,造成公司不小的震撼, 还被副总约谈一番, 经过几番慰留,目前暂以留职停薪处理,完 …

3.放大自发辐射(Amplified Spontaneous Emission)对现有放大自发辐射(ASE)光源与掺铒光纤放大器(EDFA)增益平坦的方法做了分析和讨论,采用双芯光纤和光纤波分复用(WDM…

4.加速溶剂萃取(Accelerated Solvent Extraction)加速溶剂萃取(ASE)在蔬菜有机磷农药残留检测提取过程中的应用 CORS技术在林地勘测中的应用与研究 浅谈林业测绘中的GP…


1.e-Government -- sometimes referred to ase-Democracy -- is one of today's more controversial subjects.电子化政府(e-Government)--有时候是被称做为电子化民主(e-Democracy)--是今天较为引发争论的主题中的一个。

2.Just a year earlier hardbacks had been worth more than three times as much ase-books, according to the Association of American Publishers.据美国出版商协会统计,仅仅一年之前精装书的销量还是电子书的三倍,但现在亚马逊售出的电子书拷贝要多于纸质书。

3.To make as much ase of the land as possible, two or.为了充分利用土地,在有条件的地方,每年种植两季。

4.It also allows you to send files ase- mail attachments in the PDF format in a subset of these programs .也允许您在这些程式的子集中以PDF格式的电子邮件附件方式传送档案。

5.The "create existing table" command in Sybase ASE allows you to map the proxy table to a table, view, or procedure at a remote location.SybaseASE中的“createexistingtable”命令允许将代理表映射到在远程位置的一个表、视图或者过程。

6.colour: At least for portable devices such ase-books, colour intensity and colour ranges are not of the quality of printed documents.颜色:至少对于便携设备如电子书来说,颜色的强度和范围比不上印刷文件的质量。

7.Furthermore, we evaluated the effect of ASE pretreatment on infiltration of inflammatory cells into the heart, liver and lung of mice.此外,我们会评估ASE预处理对心、肝、肺的小鼠中的炎症细胞渗透的影响。

8.Either call this extension number 0085 or ask them to send the fax to you ase-mail, you print it out.或者打电话0085到这个分机,或者叫他们用邮箱把传真发给你,你就能把它打印出来了。

9.Now the Internet developed, such ase-mail or you can do personalized mailings, please send mail to ane-mail message to be a contrast?现在互联网非常发达,比如电子邮件也可以做到个性化直邮,请将直邮跟电子邮件做一个对比?。

10.electronic payment, security authentication, credit services, logistics information such ase-commerce service system.电子支付、安全认证、信用服务、物流信息等电子商务服务体系的建设。