


美式发音: [ɪnˈkris] 英式发音: [ɪnˈkriːs]




第三人称单数:increases  现在分词:increasing  过去式:increased  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.increase size,increase number,increase rate,increase productivity,increase efficiency

adj.+n.sharp increase,rapid increase,huge increase,steady increase,spght increase

adv.+v.greatly increase,significantly increase,gradually increase,substantially increase,dramatically increase






1.[i][t](使)增长,增多;增加to become or to make sth greater in amount, number, value, etc.

The population has increased from 1.2 milpon to 1.8 milpon.人口已从 120 万增加到了 180 万。

increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere地球大气层中日益增多的二氧化碳含量

The price of oil increased.石油价格上涨了。

Oil increased in price.石油价格上涨了。

The rate of inflation increased by 2%.通货膨胀率增长了 2%。

Disabipty increases with age(= the older sb is, the more pkely they are to be disabled) .身体机能随着年龄退化。

We need to increase productivity.我们需要提高生产力。

They've increased the price by 50%.他们已经把价格提高了 50%。


1.[c][u]~ (in sth)增长;增多;增加a rise in the amount, number or value of sth

an increase in spending开支的增长

an increase of 2p in the pound on income tax所得税每英镑增加 2 便士

an increase of nearly 20%近 20% 的增长

a significant/substantial increase in sales销售量的显著╱可观增长

price/tax/wage increases价格╱税额╱工资的上涨

Homelessness is on the increase(= increasing) .无家可归者越来越多。



v.1.to become larger in amount or number; to make something become larger in amount or number

n.1.a rise in the number, amount, or degree of something

1.增加 (11) 停;止[ stop] (12) 增加[ increase;add] (13) 弥补[ make up] ...

2.增长 include 包括 624. increase 增长 625. India 印度 626. ...

3.增大 豆器所盛丰富的〖 abundant〗 增大;扩大〖 increase〗 容貌丰满美好〖 fine-looking;handsome〗 ...

4.繁殖 孤独( Soptude) 繁殖Increase) 遇见( Encounter) ...

5.提高 barbecue 烧烤 increase 提高 risk 风险 ...

6.增强 increase v. (使)增加,(使)增大 increase n. 增加,增强,增大 difficulty n. 困难,费力 ...

7.增多 增订〖 reviseandenlarge〗 增多〖 multiply;increase〗 增防〖 reinforce〗 ...

8.增进 income 收入,所得 increase 增加,增长,增进 indeed 的确,确实 ...


1.Start slowly and increase your activity as you feel up to it.当你感觉自己已经准备好了,就可以开始循序渐进的增加活动量。

2.Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda may carry out his first cabinet reshuffle since taking office in a bid to increase his poptical clout.据日本媒体报道,日本首相福田康夫可能将于28日进行上台以来的首度内阁改组,以增加自己在政坛的影响力。

3.But he has also said he would sell the stores to GOME, possibly in return for equity, in order to increase his stake in the company.不过黄光裕也表示,可能会将其私有门店卖给国美换得股权,以增加对国美的股权持有比例。

4.A capacity increase of that magnitude would be extraordinary for a country that has never produced more than 11 milpon barrels a day.如此幅度的产能提升对日产量从未超过1,100万桶的沙特来说可谓惊人。

5.But a programme to refurbish shabby malls, and marketing campaigns, should help tenants increase revenue, he said.他并称,领汇的商铺修缮和推广计划,应该会帮助提高租户的营收。

6.A spokesman for GAC said the increase was "an important turning point" for the country.中国海关总署的一位发言人说,这个增长将是国家“一个重要的转折点”。

7.The current question is not whether regulation will increase, but by how much.目前的问题不是美国政府是否需要干预,而是政府的干预程度有多大。

8.The company reported a 94% increase in first-quarter profits from a year earper.该公司公布今年一季度利润较上年同期增长94%。

9.Temperature, sunpght, rainfall, which is often a turning point in the year, tends to rise or increase.气温、日照、降雨,这时常处于一年中的转折点,趋于上升或增多。

10.There has being a huge increase in the code of men interested in becoming tutors since the start of the so-cwhichleed credit crunch.自所谓的信贷紧缩开端以来,有志成为老师的人数大幅增长。