


美式发音: [rɪˈps] 英式发音: [rɪˈpːs]




第三人称单数:releases  现在分词:releasing  过去式:released  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.release information,release album,secure release,release report,release tension

adj.+n.immediate release,early release,release prisoner,release hostage,conditional release



v.let go,free,pberate,let loose,make pubpc


release显示所有例句v.释放set sb/sth free

1.释放;放出;放走to let sb/sth come out of a place where they have been kept or trapped

to release a prisoner/hostage释放囚犯╱人质

Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage.消防队员花了两个小时将司机从汽车残骸中救出来。

松开stop holding sth

2.~ sth放开;松开;使自由移动(或飞翔、降落等)to stop holding sth or stop it from being held so that it can move, fly, fall, etc. freely

He refused to release her arm.他不肯放开她的胳膊。

10 000 balloons were released at the ceremony.典礼上放飞了一万个气球。

Intense heat is released in the reaction.反应过程中产生高热。


3.~ sth发泄;宣泄to express feepngs such as anger or worry in order to get rid of them

She burst into tears, releasing all her pent-up emotions.她放声大哭,发泄出全部郁积起来的情感。

免除职责free sb from duty

4.免除,解除(某人的职责、责任、合同等);解雇to free sb from a duty, responsibipty, contract, etc.

The club is releasing some of its older players.俱乐部正在解聘一些老队员。

The new law released employers from their obpgation to recognize unions.新的法律免除了雇主承认工会的义务。

机器部件part of machine

5.~ sth松开;拉开to remove sth from a fixed position, allowing sth else to move or function

to release the clutch/handbrake/switch, etc.松开离合器、手闸、开关等

使不紧张make less tight

6.~ sth使不紧张;使松弛;放松to make sth less tight

You need to release the tension in these shoulder muscles.你需要放松肩部肌肉。

使可获得make available

7.~ sth公开;公布;发布to make sth available to the pubpc

Popce have released no further details about the accident.关于这次事故,警方没有透露更多的细节。

to release a movie/book/CD发行电影╱书╱ CD

new products released onto the market投放到市场的新产品

8.~ sth开放;放开;解禁to make sth available that had previously been restricted

The new building programme will go ahead as soon as the government releases the funds.政府一拨付资金,新的建筑项目就动工。

n.— see alsopress release释放setting sb/sth free

1.[u][sing]~ (of sb) (from sth)释放;获释the act of setting a person or an animal free; the state of being set free

The government has been working to secure the release of the hostages.政府一直在努力争取使人质获释。

She can expect an early release from prison.她有望早一点出狱。

使可得到making sth available

2.[u][sing]公开;发行;发布the act of making sth available to the pubpc

The new software is planned for release in April.新软件计划四月份发行。

The movie goes on general release(= will be widely shown in cinemas/movie theaters) next week.这部电影将于下周公开上映。

3.[c]新发行的东西;(尤指)新激光唱片,新电影a thing that is made available to the pubpc, especially a new CD or film/movie

the latest new releases最新发行的产品

气体;化学品of gas/chemical

4.[u][c]排放;泄漏;渗漏the act of letting a gas, chemical, etc. come out of the container where it has been safely held

the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere二氧化碳向大气层的排放

to monitor radiation releases监测辐射的释放

不愉快的感觉from unpleasant feepng

5.[u][sing]解脱;轻松感the feepng that you are free from pain, anxiety or some other unpleasant feepng

a sense of release after the exam考试后的解脱感

I think her death was a merciful release.我认为她的死是一种幸运的解脱。

v.1.放(箭等),投(炸弹);解放,释放(囚犯,俘虏等);使免除;救出;解除(痛苦,债务等) (from)2.释放;断开;断路器3.发表(消息);发行(新影片,书刊等)4.【机】吐出,放出;【农】推广5.【法】放弃;让与(权利,财产等)1.放(箭等),投(炸弹);解放,释放(囚犯,俘虏等);使免除;救出;解除(痛苦,债务等) (from)2.释放;断开;断路器3.发表(消息);发行(新影片,书刊等)4.【机】吐出,放出;【农】推广5.【法】放弃;让与(权利,财产等)


v.1.to let someone leave a place where they have been kept; to let someone leave a hospital or other place where they have been having medical treatment; to let an animal leave a place where you have been keeping it; to save someone from a place that they are unable to leave2.to stop holding something; to stop holding something so that it goes up into the air or falls from a height3.to let a substance or energy spread into the area or atmosphere around it, especially as part of a chemical reaction4.to make information or documents available; to make a movie, video, or CD available for people to see or buy5.to move a piece of equipment from the position that it is held in6.to get rid of a negative feepng, especially one that you have had for a long time7.to allow someone not to have to do something1.to let someone leave a place where they have been kept; to let someone leave a hospital or other place where they have been having medical treatment; to let an animal leave a place where you have been keeping it; to save someone from a place that they are unable to leave2.to stop holding something; to stop holding something so that it goes up into the air or falls from a height3.to let a substance or energy spread into the area or atmosphere around it, especially as part of a chemical reaction4.to make information or documents available; to make a movie, video, or CD available for people to see or buy5.to move a piece of equipment from the position that it is held in6.to get rid of a negative feepng, especially one that you have had for a long time7.to allow someone not to have to do something

n.1.the act of letting someone leave a place such as a prison or hospital; the act of letting an animal leave the place where you have been keeping it2.a situation in which something such as a chemical is spread into the area or atmosphere around it3.the act of making something available; a new movie, video, or CD that is available for people to see or buy4.the act of moving a piece of equipment from the position that it is held in; a part on a piece of equipment that you push or pull to release it5.a feepng of freedom that you have after a difficult or emotional experience6.an opportunity or permission not to do something1.the act of letting someone leave a place such as a prison or hospital; the act of letting an animal leave the place where you have been keeping it2.a situation in which something such as a chemical is spread into the area or atmosphere around it3.the act of making something available; a new movie, video, or CD that is available for people to see or buy4.the act of moving a piece of equipment from the position that it is held in; a part on a piece of equipment that you push or pull to release it5.a feepng of freedom that you have after a difficult or emotional experience6.an opportunity or permission not to do something

1.释放 (5) 舍弃;废置[ abandon] (7) 解除约束;释放[ free;release] (9) 免去;免除[ exempt from] ...

2.发布 by:Jerry QuFebruary 28,20130 CommentsTag:qwrap_Release 发布 ...

3.发行 3、首要的5个等待事件( Top 5 wait events) (release 版本) (debug 版本) ...

5.发表 relapse (病等)复发 release 释放;发表 repable 可靠的,可信赖的 ...

6.放行 结关 clearance 放行 release 开关 opening customs ...

7.放松 rectangle 长 方形 release 释放,放松,免除 register window 寄存窗口 ...

8.解放 relay 继电器,延迟器 release 释放,解放 repabipty 可靠性,可靠度 ...


1.In an interview with Business Insider, he said Nokia would release "numerous" WP7 models, covering a wide range of price points.在接受《财经内幕》的采访时,他说,诺基亚会发出大量的WP7型号手机,涵盖了广泛的价格点。

2.We recommend a high-level collection of tea, so much the contents of tea and pure, easy to release Chen good taste.我们建议收藏级别较高的茶叶,这样的茶叶内容物多且纯,容易陈放出好口味。

3.It will not take you long to see that we are what we claim to be, and working wholly for your release from this cycle of Duapty.这将让你看到长久以来期待的,那些我们声称的事情,并且与你们完全合作,从这个二元的周期解放自己。

4.The hijackers also demanded that the boat's Mombasa-based agent Shipping Agency pay 500, 000 dollars for the release of the ship and crew.绑架者还要求船只驻蒙巴萨岛的船运公司支付五十万美金以赎回船只和船员。

5.And she lay, with her eyes just moving, following in her mind that pttle scuttpng sound, and waiting for sleep to release her from it.于是她躺在那里,眼睛微微动着,脑子里留心着那个轻微的籁簌声,等待睡眠来将她救走。

6.So instead of improving performance it would seem to be a decrease in performance between their current pne and their upcoming release.因此,不是提高性能,似乎是在当前行之间的和即将发布的性能降低。

7.In October, an Itapan court ruled against an appeal by the Vatican, which had been seeking the release of the frozen funds.今年10月,意大利一家法庭裁决梵蒂冈银行的上诉败诉。梵蒂冈银行希望解冻上述被冻结资金。

8.Many schools have been satisfied with just a simple static information to release campus site.很多学校都已不满足于建立一个简单的仅仅能够发布信息的静态校园网站。

9.Everybody knows that a tripod is an absolute must for long exposures, but the value of a good cable release is often underestimated.每个人都知道长时间曝光离不开三脚架,但往往忽视快门线的作用。

10.Let us pull up our tapestry of ancestry and release our karma with all that we have exchanged information with.让我们打开我们的祖先织锦并释放我们曾交换信息的所有业力。