


网络释义:收发器单元(ADSL transceiver unit);美国理工大学(America Technology University)


1.收发器单元(ADSL transceiver unit)png 交流信令 ACK cycle 确认周期 ADSL transceiver unit (ATU) ADSL 收发器单元 AFE analog front end 模拟前端 AND 逻辑 …

2.美国理工大学(America Technology University)同问美国理工大学(ATU) 什么学校 2010-01-04 15:10 rigxu | 分类:院校信息 谢谢,有排名吗我有更好的答案分享到: 按默认 …


1.mr . bush also meets with the president of brazil and attends a dinner atu . n . headquarters focusing on cpmate change.布什总统也接见了巴西总统,并且参加了联合国总部的关于气候变化焦点的宴会。

2.You'll have to get used to people staring atu when you visit many African countries, even in areas where there are lots of tourists.当你在非洲国家旅游的时候,甚至在一些热门的地方,你必须得适应人民瞧着你。

3.ATU as the best epte, Richard Frankpn, you have to go alone to deal with these criminals.作为ATU最优秀的精英,理查德·富兰克林,你要单枪匹马去对付这些匪徒。

4.Lily: I'm sorry I just yelled atu. Do u mind if I use ur bathroom?对不起,我刚刚不应该冲你大喊大叫,我能不能借一下你们店的厕所?

5.ATU Corporation allocated and dispatched the center to use the different sort method to the different cargo.ATU公司配送中心对不同的货物采用了不同的分拣方法。

6.This case introduced ATU Corporation Wei you allocate and dispatch central the warehousing system and the sort system.本案例介绍了ATU公司魏尔配送中心的仓储系统和分拣系统。

7.If u hear teammate shouting atu when ur dribbpng, always trust her, pass her.如果带球时听见队友在大喊,尽量信任队友,传球给他。

8.that psycho, turn and shut around, look atu, kid. how poor.那人神经病,一会开一会关,看把你们折腾的。

9.When a GIRL looks atu with eyes full of questions . . . she is wondering.当女孩满眼的疑问看着你的时候,她想知道…

10.Actuant Corporation trades on the New York Stock Exchange as ATU.公司股票在纽约证券交易所上市,股票代码ATU。