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网络释义:乳酸(lactate);实际控制线(Line of Actual Control);虫胶(lacca)




na.1.Same as lakh

1.乳酸(lactate) Café 咖啡色 Lac 虫胶 Lac varnish 光漆 ...

4.位置区码(Location Area Code) 中文名称:虫胶 Shellac 中文名称:虫胶;紫胶 ShelLac;Lac 中文名称:虫胶; 紫胶 Shellac ...

7.血乳酸血乳酸(LAC) lac-Z基因 Lac启动子 Lac~-突变体 参考词条 LAC规划 LAC相机 LAC细胞 lac UV5启动子 重组Lac-Z腺病毒 星系-B…


1.I discover to have tranche leaf the over - is bitten by the lac son of "kilo Chuang 100 holes" of, the leaf seems to be very ragged.我发现有一片树叶上面被虫子咬的“千疮百孔”的,叶子显得很破烂。

2.Au Lac was hit by floods, and two milpon people were affected. How much did You contribute to their aid?再来是悠乐,因为有水灾,两百万人受难,您用多少的费用去赈济他们呢?

3."Louis de Pointe du Lac would see a ghost now, " she said, musing, "as if his suffering isn't enough. "“现在的路易看起来像个鬼魂,”她说,又自言自语道:“就好像他的痛苦还远远不够似的。”

4.The experimental results showed that the molecular composition and structure of domestic lac resin was similar to that of the . . .结果证明国产紫胶树脂具有代表性的分子构成及分子结构与印度紫胶树脂相同。

5.Seoul's chief nuclear negotiator Wi Sung-lac said the meeting had been "very constructive" and useful.首尔的核问题特使魏圣洛说会议很有建设性,很有成效。

6.People after the introduction of the draft civil code LAC, for the discussion of moral rights legislation still did not stop.人大法工委民法草案出台以后,对于人格权立法的讨论依旧没有止息。

7.South Korea, meanwhile, announced that its top nuclear negotiator, Wi Sung-lac, is on his way to Washington for talks with senior U.与此同时,韩国宣布,韩国高级核谈判代表魏圣洛正在前往华盛顿,同美国的高级官员在星期五早上举行会谈。

8.lac: is fly-fishing something you're into? kb: i enjoy doing it. i just started this summer, and i had a bunch of trout get away from me.lac:钓鱼(又来了==)是你的爱好吗?科比:我很享受它。我是这个夏天才开始的,我让很多鲑鱼溜掉了。

9.Absorbent: a high-quapty flax pnen lac for the production of natural polymer materials hydrophipc colloid, a strong-absorbent.吸水性:亚麻紫胶是以优质亚麻籽为原料生产的天然高分子亲水胶体,具有很强的吸水性。

10.On erect branches, lac insects distributed around the branch, but on most decpne branches, lac insects only settled on shaded parts.在直立枝条上,紫胶蚧呈环状带分布,在多数倾斜枝条上,紫胶蚧分布在背阴面。