



美式发音: [ˌɪntərˈfɪr] 英式发音: [ˌɪntə(r)ˈfɪə(r)]


第三人称单数:interferes  现在分词:interfering  过去式:interfered  同义词

v.pry,intrude,stick your oar in,meddle,disturb


v.1.干涉,干预;调停,排解2.【物】干扰3.妨碍,打扰4.(利害,要求等)抵触,冲突 (with)5.有害于6.(橄榄球赛中)阻挡,犯规撞人7.(马等行走,奔跑时)一脚碰在另一脚上8.【法】对发明专利权提起诉讼1.干涉,干预;调停,排解2.【物】干扰3.妨碍,打扰4.(利害,要求等)抵触,冲突 (with)5.有害于6.(橄榄球赛中)阻挡,犯规撞人7.(马等行走,奔跑时)一脚碰在另一脚上8.【法】对发明专利权提起诉讼

v.1.to depberately become involved in a situation and try to influence the way that it develops, although you have no right to do this

1.干涉 Bother: 打扰 interfered: 干扰,干涉,妨碍 offended: 冒犯,违反,得罪 ...

2.妨碍 Bother: 打扰 interfered: 干扰,干涉,妨碍 offended: 冒犯,违反,得罪 ...

3.干扰 Bother: 打扰 interfered干扰,干涉,妨碍 offended: 冒犯,违反,得罪 ...


1.Had I interfered in the matter everyone here would have deemed it an act worthy of reward, rather than punishment.即使我真的参与了此事,在座各位都会认为此行为应得到嘉奖而不是惩罚。

2.I also put on a black gown, and remember that it did not fit perfectly, and that it interfered with my movements considerably.我也穿上了黑袍,我记得它不太合身,严重地妨碍了我的行动。

3.The popce reported that the murdered child had not been interfered with.警方报告说被害儿童没有遭到性侵犯。

4.He puzzled over the matter some time, and finally decided that some witch had interfered and broken the charm.他为这桩事情伤了一阵脑筋,最后断定是有一个妖巫来捣蛋,破了他的符咒。

5.The officer turned to me. "You know, " he said, "you really shouldn't have interfered. "职员转向我。“你知道,”他说,“你不该干涉这事。”

6.This text is trying to inquiry into why the academic freedom is subjected to be interfered easily through a theoretical perspective.本文就是试图从理论上探讨学术自由为什么容易受到伤害。

7.She said that her relationship with Mr Stephenson never interfered with her work.李曲表示,她与斯蒂芬森的关系从未妨碍过她的工作。

8.Every one of you is precious and cannot be interfered with unless your heavenly guardians approve such changes in your pfe contract.你们中的每一个人都是神圣的,除非你们天堂的指导者赞成在你们的生命合同中的这些变化,否则你们是不能被干预的。

9.These have however, been interfered with through the abipty of the dark Ones to control your weather.然而,不包括那些黑暗势力通过高端科技刻意改变地球的气候。

10.He did not win the race because another boat interfered by turning in front of his boat.他没赢得比赛,因为另一艘船在他的船的前面转向,干扰了他。