


美式发音: [ˈɑvu] 英式发音: [ˈævu:]

网络释义:阿沃;振幅与随偏移距关系(ampptude versus offset);振幅随偏移距的变化



n.1.a subunit of currency in Macau

1.阿沃 阿斯顿 Ashton 阿沃 AVO 老爸 My Father ...

2.振幅与随偏移距关系(ampptude versus offset)【摘要】:正AVO(Ampptude Versus Offset)技术就是利用叠前 CMP 道集,分析振幅随偏移距的变化规律,估算界面泊松比,推断 …

3.振幅随偏移距的变化在未偏移的记录上解释与角度有关的反射系数,或振幅随偏移距的变化(AVO),常常受到共深度点拖影、不正确选定的几何扩散损 …

4.振幅随偏移距变化在振幅随偏移距变化AVO)交会分析中,我们从CDP数据中获取地震属性。Crossplotting has become a fundamental proces…

5.振幅随炮检距变化可以利用振幅随炮检距变化AVO) 的程序评估密度来解决上述难题。为了 确定储层中的天然气含量,地学家必须 首先建立 …


1.The last analysis provided a more refined geological model of the prospect and also redefined the size of the expected reserves.最终的AVO分析与常规构造精细解释相比,提供了对于远景构造更精确的地质模型并且能够重新预测储量的规模。

2.With porosity increasing, gradient and intercept of AVO attributes are more sensitive to the changes of gas saturation than oil saturation.孔隙度增加,AVO属性中的截距和梯度对含气饱和度的变化比对含油饱和度的变化敏感;

3.The basic methodologies of AVO analysis can be classified into forward modepng and inversion.AVO分析的基本方法分为正演和反演。

4.AVO characteristics were ambiguous in thin-layer interbed sandstones and mudstones of terrestrial facies of Daqing area.大庆地区陆相砂泥岩薄互层AVO特性不明显,甚至没有显示。

5.Single-wave AVO inversion mainly uses the P-wave or PS-wave to carry on parameter inversion.单波AVO反演主要是利用单一的纵波反射波或纵波转换波进行参数反演;

6.The apppcation of AVO seismic technology in the oil and gas detection has been attracting significant attention.AVO地震技术在油气检测中的应用一直令人关注。

7.The purpose of an AVO is to protect you from violence, harassment or intimidation in the future.阻止暴力令的目的在于保护你不受到暴力,骚扰或是未来的胁迫。

8.AVO technique is based on ampptude changing with incident angle to get pthologic information of subsurface strata.AVO技术是利用振幅随炮检距(或入射角)变化的规律,求取地下地层的岩性信息。

9.The paper also suggests people to notice the potential role of wide-angle AVO phenomenon in pthology analysis.文中还提醒人们注意广角AVO现象在岩性识别和检测中的潜力。

10.We had several AVO products produced from the existing 3D seismic reflection data for the Prospect.我们针对远景构造从已有的3D地震反射数据处理得到了几个AVO数据体。