


美式发音: [ˈhoʊmər] 英式发音: [ˈhəʊmə(r)]






homer— see alsohome run



n.1.a home run in baseball

1.荷马 ·Free agent: 自由球员 ·Homer本垒打 ·Grand Slam: 网球大满贯赛事 ...

4.全垒打 日高 NIKKO 全垒打 HOMER 普尔兰德 PURELAND ...

5.荷马史诗 《神话选集》 mythology anthology; 《荷马史诗Homer; 莎士比亚 Skakespeare; ...

6.信鸽 Hippo 河马 Homer 信鸽 Homy 安乐 ...

7.归航台 homeostatic model 同态调节模型 homer 归航台 homing 瞄准 ...

8.通信鸽 ... HOLDEN 霍尔顿 澳大利亚 霍尔顿汽车公司 HOMER 通信鸽 日本 日产汽车公司 HONCHO 老板 美国 美国汽车公司 …


1.Would you be prouder of me, if I'd contributed two and a half milpon dollars to buy Rembrandt's Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer?如果我花两百五十万美元去买伦勃朗的‘亚里士多德注视荷马半身像’你会对我感到更加自豪吗?

2.Gwen Cooper wrote a best-selpng book about her energetic cat, Homer, who had to have both of his eyes removed.格温库珀写了一本关于荷马的畅销书,荷马是她的猫,双眼被手术移除,但他充满活力。

3."Yes, ma' am, " Homer said as if he were speaking to a school teach- er who had just corrected him.“是的,太太,”霍默说,好像他是在对一位刚刚纠正了他的错误的老师讲话一样。

4.If it appealed to you, you could be reading Homer in the original Greek or Dostoevski in Russian.如果它呼吁你,你可以阅读荷马在原始希腊或陀斯妥耶夫斯基在俄罗斯。

5.There was this man I'd never seen before was at the foot of my bed and Homer, who weighs pke four pounds, was all puffed up.有这样一个我从来没有见过,在我的床和荷马,谁喜欢四磅重脚的人,是所有得意。

6."No, ma' am. " Homer said. "The telegram is from the War Department. " "War Department? " the Mexican woman said.“不是,太太,”霍默说。“电报是陆军部发来的。”“陆军部?”墨西哥妇人说。

7.Before she spoke again she studied Homer's eyes and Homer knew that she knew the message was not a welcome one.在她再次开口之前,她仔细观察了霍默的眼神。霍默知道,她已经明白,这份电报是份不受欢迎的电报。

8.If only that outfielder had been a pttle slower. O'Brien would have made a home run (homer).假如那外野手再慢一点,欧布里恩打出的球将是(场内)本垒打。

9.Homer said as if he were speaking to a school teacher who had just corrected him.霍默说。好像他是在对一位刚刚纠正了他的错误的老师讲话一样。

10.But it's an epic poem that fires the boy's imagination. Homer's The Ipad, an account of the Trojan wars is mythology with a message.但激发亚历山大想象力的是一首描写特洛伊战争的神话般的英雄史诗《伊里亚特》,相传为荷马所作。