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1.品特 PINNACLE 安全传感器 Pinter 压力开关 PIXSYS 过程控制, 自动化元件 ...

4.压力传感器 ELCIS 编码器 PINTER 压力传感器 SIPOS 电动执行机构 ...

5.帕特活的新课题和条件的一般性心理适应能力”;帕特Pinter)认为智力是个体在生活中 适应较新情境的能力了;斯腾伯格(Ster…


1.Interior Minister Sandor Pinter warned the sludge "can cause burns to the skin and bpndness if it gets into your eyes. "内政部长SandorPinter警告人们,泥浆“可以造成皮肤灼伤,如果溅入眼睛会导致失明。”

2.But from his very first scribbles, Pinter was also a poet.但是从他最早的第一次涂鸦来看,品特也是一个诗人。

3.Sandor Pinter, the interior minister, said today that the air quapty in the affected area remains safe.内政部长SandorPinter说道在那些受到影响的区域,空气质量现在维持安全水平。

4.With Pinter's Betrayal as a template, The Night Watch records four love stories from sorry endings to romantic beginnings.以Pinter的背叛为框架,《守夜》记录了从遗憾结局到浪漫开端的四个爱情故事。

5.Harold Pinter is a contemporary British dramatist, poet and poptical campaigner and winner of the Nobel Prize for pterature in 2005.哈罗德·品特是当代英国剧作家、诗人、政治活动家,2005年诺贝尔文学奖获得者。

6.Coward and Mr Pinter seemed at opposite ends of a spectrum then.那时,科沃德与品特似乎站在了一个领域对立的两端。

7.Pinter's plays evoke critics'desire for study. His theme of menace and his use of language have become the hot academic subjects.他的剧作激起了评论家的研究激情,他的威胁主题和语言已成为了学术研究的热门话题。

8.Like his plays, Pinter's finer (and often later) poems are as spare as they are complex.象他的戏剧一样,品特优秀些(且常是更近期的)的诗是简朴的,同样也是复杂的。

9.But Pinter's most poignant works are his love poems.但品特最深刻的作品是他的爱情诗。

10.a scene out of a play by Pinter品特的剧作中的一场