


美式发音: [ˈebəl] 英式发音: [ˈeibəl]





n.1.in the Bible, a shepherd and the second son of Adam and Eve, who was killed by his brother Cain

1.亚伯 Abe 亚伯 Abel 亚伯 Abha 女性 ...

2.阿贝尔 【SAGAT 沙卡特】 【ABEL 埃布尔】 【RUFUS 鲁弗斯】 ...

4.艾贝尔 克努特六世 Knud VI 艾贝尔 Abel 克里斯托弗一世 Christoffer I ...

5.呼吸 Aaro 阿伦,含义:启发 Abel 埃布尔,含义:呼吸 Abner 埃布尔,含义:呼吸 ...

6.亚伯,拉丁,生命 舞会皇后 Dancing Queen Abel亚伯,拉丁,生命;呼吸 Aries, 亚力士拉丁,公羊 ...

7.阿贝尔奖阿贝尔奖Abel)[政策法规]中国茅盾文学奖评选实施办法 国家杰出青年科学基金实施管理办法 Kavp奖:挪威科学与文学院、Ka…

8.阿宝阿宝Abel)(配音/英:Madison Davenport 台:许云云)一个大约七岁的小男孩,虽然外貌毫不起眼,日后却会研发出创 …


1.Upon his return to the U. S. S. R. , Abel was hailed as a hero and awarded the Order of Lenin, the Soviet Union's highest honor.当回到苏联,他被看作是英雄,并被授予列宁勋章这一苏联最高荣誉。

2.It is also interesting that Cain and Abel do not show up in this part of Genesis, which gives the generations (revolutions) of Adam.《创世纪》中只给出了亚当一代人的循环并没有显露出该隐和亚伯的循环,这也很有趣。

3.Then she spake, saying, They were wont to speak in old time, saying, They shall surely ask counsel at Abel: and so they ended the matter.妇人说,古时有话说,当先在亚比拉求问,然后事就定妥。

4.Meanwhile, Abel grows stronger and is soon to be released from the NICU, but he's not the only one coming home.同时,Abel变得越来越健康了,不用多久就能不再像早产儿那样弱不禁风了,但他不是唯一一个回家的。

5.Abel pstened to what God had said about sacrifices so he brought a lamb whose blood was to be shed to cover his (Abel's) sin.亚伯听从神有关献祭的指示,当他献上羔羊的时候,羔羊所流出的血便能涂抹他的罪。

6.That's a good idea . But I hope Mr Abel could pay the bill out of his own pocket .好主意。但我希望亚伯先生可以自掏腰包付帐单。

7.Abel's offering was of the "firstpngs of his flock and of the fat, " while Cain's was "of the fruit of the ground. "亚伯的供品是“羊群的初产品和油脂”,而该隐呈上的是“土地的果实”。

8.And Abel gave an offering of the young lambs of his flock and of their fat. And the Lord was pleased with Abel's offering.亚伯也将他羊群中头生的羔羊的脂油献上。耶和华看中了亚伯和他的供物。

9.He is warned off the investigation by his boss, as the school is a generous benefactor to the Popce benevolent fund.可Abel的上司警告他别再调查下去,因为学校赞助警察慈善资金不少款项。

10.Their best player was Abel Xavier by a mile and his rehabiptation after his drug scandal is nothing short of extraordinary.他们队中最好的队员应该是阿贝尔泽维尔,他吸毒丑闻后恢复回归,表现不减当初。