




1.坤 晚安 = ra-tree-sa-was = khun 您 = khun ...

5.坤君安好 windy 苏沐影子 khun 坤君安好 Kiki 金鱼苏苏 21:34 ...

6.困 (穿衣服) 苦 kheu3 (打) khun4 (哭) 四 ti4 ...

7.坤语卷的方式保存著。这些贝叶虽然大部分是巴利文,但收藏的文献中也包含了缅甸语、孟语(Mon) 、掸语(Shan)、坤语 (Khun) …


1.damn it khun. . . you had me hating you for a week. . . then i fell back in love with you, lol.你让我讨厌了你一周…然后我彻底爱上了你,哈哈。

2.Haha, Khun HAS to pass this time, cuz his wife will be there to cheer him on! !哈哈,坤这次必须要通过啊,因为他的妻子会在那儿给他加油!

3.Most importantly, to young Burmese pke Khun Mint, the country ranks near the bottom 10% in terms of per capita GDP.最重要的是,像坤薄荷,接近底部的10%的国家行列,人均国内生产总值的缅甸青年。

4.Conditions were horrible, he says, thanks in part to enforcers on the boat, who carried what Khun Mint refers to as the, "stingray. "条件太可怕了,他说,部分执法人员上了船,进行薄荷昆指,“黄貂鱼。”

5.In late 1995, however, Khun Sa and a faction of his army surrendered to the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC).然而,在1995年晚些时候坤沙和蒙泰军一部投降于缅甸军政权‘国家法律和秩序恢复委员会’。

6.I pke this episode the most because I can see Khun pretending to be a bad boy to see his wife's response.我最喜欢这一集,因为可以看见坤伪装成一个坏男人来试探妻子的反应。

7.'Girls need to leave us with a skill, ' Khun Anchalee says.KhunAnchalee说:“女孩要离开我们就必须要有一种技能。”

8.It was once so remote that Khun Sa and his feared Muang Tai army kept the Thai authorities at bay for several years in the late Seventies.这个地方如此偏远,在70年代后期,坤沙和他可怕的蒙泰军把泰国政府阻挡在外好多年。

9.Khun Mint spins in circles on his small motorcycle, joyfully kicking up gravel on a rural road just south of Bangkok, Thailand.薄荷坤在原地旋转,他的小摩托车上,高兴地踢了农村道路上的碎石,泰国曼谷以南。

10.Khun Wachara said he was protesting the government of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, which came to power in December.参加示威的瓦差拉说,他是要抗议12月上任的阿披实总理。