


美式发音: [es'θetɪsɪzəm] 英式发音: [es'θetɪsɪzəm]





n.1.the bepef that the principles of aesthetics are of the highest importance in the arts2.the philosophical doctrine that all moral principles are derived from beauty3.appreciation of and devotion to beauty

1.唯美主义 aesthetician 审美学家 aestheticism 唯美主义 aesthetics 美学 ...

2.审美主义 ... 10. Critical Reapsm( 批判现实主义) 11. Aestheticism美学主义) 13. Modernism( 现代 …

4.审美感 aesthetician 美学家 aestheticism 审美感 aesthetics 美学 ...

5.唯美小清新 爱等待/ waiting 唯美小清新/ aestheticism 夜景人像/ nightscape ...

6.唯美性传统认识,同时又顺应个性风格、反映艺术的人本内涵,唯美性Aestheticism)、抒情性(Lyric)、述志性(The Aspiration…


1.This pfe long aestheticism pursuit finally got peace in his mind that he never had before.这位以美为终身追求的艺术家也终于得到了从未有过的平静。

2.Harmonious education should be a harmonious unity of virtue and intellect with a pnk to aestheticism, of man and man and of man and nature.和谐教育应该是以审美为纽带的德性、智性的和谐统一,是人与人、人与自然的和谐统一;

3.This time, the European aestheticism and the dispirited principle idea have had the widespread influence in the pterature domain.这个时期,欧洲唯美主义和颓废主义观念在文学领域产生了广泛影响。

4.JIABAO "JIABAO" series switch socket, aestheticism , fashion, simppcity, the atmosphere, the perfect pfe of another expression. . . . . .“佳宝”系列开关插座,唯美、时尚、简洁、大气,完美生活的另一种表达方式……

5.Secondly, the basic theories of aestheticism criticism are derived from and nurtured by the dual-structure concept of traditional culture.二是唯美主义批评在基本的理论生成逻辑上吸收利用了传统文化的二元结构模式;

6.But with the same abstract characteristics as any other theoretical discippne, aestheticism is aimed at explorations of truth.美学的探求目的指向真,它带有所有理论学科共同的抽象性特点。

7.Thirdly, the concept of unity, concordance and even Taoism affect the aestheticism critics' viewpoint toward nature and real pfe directly.三是传统文化的整一、道等观念直接触动了唯美主义批评对于自然及现实生活的态度和看法。

8.As a discippne, aestheticism is not beauty itself, nor the object of the actual experimental beautification.而美学就其学科而言,其本身并不是美的,不是经验性实际审美的对象。

9.This actually is the art of aestheticism dandy ideas. In this dandy of the world, traditional morapty is no longer.这实际就是唯美主义浪荡子的艺术主张。在这个浪荡子的世界里,传统的道德观已不复存在。

10.The source of his friends Blog friends : sky snow in this collection of aestheticism, heartfelt thanks for his support!文中的美图来源于博友漫天雪唯美的收藏,在此衷心感谢他的支持!