


美式发音: [ˈʌɡni] 英式发音: [ˈʌɡni]



n.1.in Hinduism, the god of fire

1.阿耆尼 进化 Evolution/shinka “agni 阿奢尼”. “Anubis 阿努比斯”. ...

5.火神阿格尼...当创造开始时,它以男性与女性力量开始…从此就不曾再 …

6.阿吉尼 毒。 “舍悉怛啰” :sastra, 刀杖。 “阿吉尼” :agni, 水。“啰若阇” ,utranim, ...

7.阿格尼圣火1. 阿格尼圣火(Agni)为清喉;风神瓦由(Vayu)为序曲;太阳神阿笛提亚(āditya)为吾吉它;那查特拉繁星 (Nakshatras)为和应;月神千 …


1.Saraswat said the current focus was on fine-tuning the Agni missiles to defeat anti-balpstic missile systems of potential adversaries.萨拉斯瓦特说当前关注的焦点在微调上,让烈火导弹能够应对潜在对手的反弹道导弹系统。

2.India is also trying to equip its Agni balpstic missiles with such warheads and to deploy them on submarines.印度也在试图将核弹头运用到自己的阿格尼弹道飞弹和潜艇上。

3.India's defense ministry says the Agni-three missile was launched Thursday from Wheeler Island, off the eastern Indian state of Orissa.印度国防部说,这枚烈火叁型远程导弹星期四从印度东部奥里萨邦沿海的惠勒岛上发射。

4.An epmination game of bricks, rules similar to the number of fish Agni Kennedy, a taste of a Christmas game, DEMO version.一个消砖块的游戏,规则类似数字鱼的烈火英豪,有圣诞的味道的一款游戏,DEMO版。

5.The only way to get rid of them is to burn them in Prema-Agni (the fire of Divine Love).清除它们的唯一之路是将它们焚烧于神圣之爱中。

6.Agni & Rudra: We could be a great help to you!阿格尼&路德拉:我们定能给你带来巨大的帮助!

7.Agni: You're right! We have to be gracious hosts!阿奢尼:你说得对!我们是通情达理的主人!

8.A few days ago I a friend told me, he with female on the net, ganci agni carrots.几天前我一个朋友告诉我,他与女网友在网络上情投意合,干柴烈火。

9.Unconfirmed reports suggest India is also building an Agni variant with a range of 5, 000 kilometers.未经证实的报告称,印度也正在开发射程为5000公里的Agni的变种导弹。

10.tropical sun , as in this agni devices are suffering in the struggle.热带的太阳,烈火似地照在这座正在痛苦中挣扎的。