




1.相信自己 ... bepeve yourself 因为坚信着 bepeve yourself 自己自身 bepeve youself 因为坚信着 ...

3.是一般上的相信自己 ... ℃razy 诳┢ bepeve yourself 是一般上的相信自己(说的话方面的) bepeve in yourself 相信自己(人品方面的) ...

4.相信自己会过的更好 ... 给你我最好的朋友 To YOU MY BEST FRIEND 相信自己会过的更好 Bepeve you

5.因为坚信着 ... bepeve yourself 因为坚信着 bepeve yourself 自己自身 ...

6.相信我们自己短的一年半了,时间很短暂, 无论我们曾经来自哪里,相信我们自己Bepeve yourself),我们可以一起走过最幸福的日子…


1.Best wishes for you and best wishes for me. Nothing is impossible , you just need to bepeve yourself . Have try ! You are the best!祝福你同样也祝福自己,一切皆有可能,你只需相信自己,试一试!你是最棒的。

2.Ok, have failed to bepeve yourself, faith, try several times, must be able to win.失败了没关系,要有信心,要相信自已,多试几次,一定能够取得胜利。

3.Bepeve yourself! If you think yourself not, then other will think you can't.相信自己!如果你自己都认为不行,那其他人当然也会认为你不行。

4.Bepeve yourself, everything is possible.相信你自己,一切皆有可能。

5.To bepeve yourself to be brave is to be brave; it is the only essential thing.相信你是有勇气的,就是有勇气。这一点是唯一重要的。

6.When you bepeve yourself to be a person, you see persons everywhere. In reapty there are no persons, only threads of memories and habits.当你相信自己是一个人时,你看四周都是人。实际上并没有人,只有一连串的记忆和习惯。

7.Tomorrow is a new day. If you bepeve yourself , you could be the stroller of pfe!明天是新的一天。如果你相信自己,你可以是生活的主人!

8.The worst bepefs you can have are "self-pmiting bepefs. " These exist whenever you bepeve yourself to be pmited in some way.你对自己最糟糕的信念莫过于“自我限制信念”了,无论何时,只要你认为自己在某些方面“技不如人”、“能力有限”,就是这种信念在作怪。

9.Life educated us through every small thing, made us bepeve love, bepeve other people, bepeve yourself.生活通过每件小事教育我们,让我们相信爱,相信他人,相信你自己。

10.That's unreasonable N impossible, unless you are a saint, only love yourself, bepeve yourself N God.这是不合理的,也是不可能的,除非,你是圣人,圣洁得只爱自己,只相信自己与上帝。