


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=Arab League)阿拉伯联盟


英文单词:铝(aluminum);急性白血病(Acute Leukemia);阿尔巴尼亚(Albania)



abbr.1.(=Arab League)阿拉伯联盟2.(=American Legion)美国军团

abbr.1.(=Arab League)2.(=American Legion)


1.铝(aluminum) AI 安奎拉岛 AL 阿尔巴尼亚 AM 亚美尼亚 ...

4.阿拉伯联盟(Arab League) Nov 28 2011, 23:05 PM1 位会员正在阅读此主题 (1 位游客和 …

5.艾尔  姓名:艾尔AL)艾尔(AL)生日:5月20日   星座:双子座   16岁,因为成绩太差,而打架太强,被同学认为是一个不良少年。暗 …


1.It is unclear how much will change there after the beheading of al-Qaeda.随着基地组织首脑被击毙,这种情况将会有多大程度的改变尚不得而知。

2.Mr. Hayden said the war against Al Qaeda was far from over, the hunt for its leader Osama bin Laden remained the top priority of the CIA.海顿先生称美国与基地组织所进行的斗争还将持续相当长的一段时间,逮捕本拉登始终是CIA的首要任务。

3.But Bush is unlikely ever to escape the image of him cowering behind a lectern watched by an unruffled Iraqi prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki.不过,正如当时安详的伊拉克总理马基利所见到的那样,布什蜷缩在演讲台后的狼狈形象已被定格。

4.Al-Jazeera is a private TV channel funded by the state when setting up in 1996, which never interfere with its business.新节目总兼Samir说,半岛电视台是1996年创立的,一个由政府资助的私有电视台,它绝不会和自己的生意相抵触。

5.Saleh's autocratic regime has been a U. S. ally in the fight against al-Qaida, but the U. S. has been pressing him to negotiate his exit.萨利赫总统的专制政权已经成为美国在对抗基地组织方面的一个联盟了,但是美国一直在强迫他商谈让他退位。

6.Mr Milic says that when he took the job he was told that Al Jazeera's only interest in the Balkans was to fill a gap in the market.Milic表示,在他接受这项工作时,他被告知,阿拉伯半岛电视台在巴尔干半岛的唯一目的就是填补该市场的空白。

7.Pakistani authorities described that incident as an accidental explosion in a militant hideout and did not confirm the killing of al-Libi.巴基斯坦当局称那次袭击是在激进分子藏身地的意外爆炸,没有证实利比被炸死。

8.The United States is also working with the international financial community to deny resources to al-Qaida and its supporters, he said.他说,美国还与国际金融机构进行合作,截断“基地”组织及其支持者的资金来源。

9.In a rambling discourse, he said al-Qaida forces had given hallucinogenic drugs to the city's youth to incite unrest.他在散乱无章的讲话中说,基地组织的部队为了挑起动乱,让城里的青少年服用“迷幻药”。

10.Besides al his films with Wong Kar Wai and John Woo, I saw him in 'A Chinese Ghost Story III' and Cyclo.除了他和王家卫、吴宇森的电影,我还看了《倩女幽魂。道道道》和《三轮车夫》。