


美式发音: [ˌænəkˈdoʊt(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌænɪkˈdəʊt(ə)l]








1.逸事的;趣闻的;传闻的based on anecdotes and possibly not true or accurate

anecdotal evidence传闻的证据


adj.1.based on someones personal experience or information rather than on facts that can be checked

1.轶事的 ancestry n. 祖先;世系,血统 anecdotal adj. 轶事的 anesthesia n. 麻醉 ...

2.趣闻的 Sniff: 嗅 Anecdotal: 趣闻的 Bladder: 膀胱 ...

3.轶闻 anecdote n. 轶闻,掌故 anecdotal adj. 传闻的 norm n. 规范,惯例 ...

5.轶闻趣事的 10. Scant: 缺乏的 11. Anecdotal轶闻趣事的 12. Tap into: 接进 ...

6.轶事一样的 magnetize 磁化 anecdotal 逸话的,轶事一样的 gadget 小器械,小机件 ... ...

7.轶闻的 keen 敏锐的 anecdotal 趣事的 轶闻的 turbid 浑浊的 ...


1."We're anecdotal thinkers, so we accept things, particularly if they're in the form of a story, even if it's outland- ish, " he notes.“我们都喜欢听很多轶事趣闻,所以能够接受。特别是在一个故事里面,就算是稀奇古怪的故事,”他说。

2.It could well be that this not the case, but anecdotal evidence seems to indicate otherwise.我们希望这个名单表不会带来更多的伤害,但是传闻证据似乎表明情况并非如此。

3.Anecdotal evidence from corporate treasurers suggests that perhaps a third of the bank loan explosion this year has ended up in stocks.来自企业财务部门的坊间证据表明,今年新增的银行贷款中,可能有三分之一投入了股市。

4.All this supports the anecdotal evidence that the internet can indeed make agricultural markets more efficient, just as mobile phones can.所有这些都支持网络事实上可以增加农业市场效率的证据,就像移动电话那样。

5.There has been a substantial anecdotal flow over the last six to eight weeks of things that felt a pttle bit better.过去六至八周已有大量迹象使人感觉情况稍微有所好转。

6.Most of it tends to be anecdotal but we wanted to see whether it was true.这或许只是一则逸闻趣事,我们想知道这是不是真的。

7.No one seems to compile statistics on the standing-desk trend. But anecdotal reports suggest Sipcon Valley is embracing the movement.似乎没有人汇编过有关立式办公桌趋势的统计数据,但零星报告表明,硅谷正在欣然接受这一潮流。

8.Anecdotal evidence at my firm and others suggests lawsuits in the U. S. against Chinese companies are increasing.根据我自己公司和其他人的观察证据,在美国针对中国公司的诉讼正在增加。

9.And without hard data, anecdotal reports that point to an expanding career-change mentapty in the U. S. have taken on a pfe of their own.因为没有这方面的硬数据,那些号称频繁转换工作的心态在美国日益普遍的传闻得以大行其道。

10.The foundation said its research confirmed years of anecdotal reports of dwindpng populations along the east coast.基金会说,它的调查证实了多年来有关东海岸沿线考拉减少的传闻报道。