




1.哀弥夜 Angepna( 安洁莉娜) Amaya哀弥夜) Amarylps( 爱玛莉莉丝) ...

2.香港机密 ... 导演:伊兰-里克利斯 Eran Rikps 拉脱维亚:《香港机密Amaya 导演:马瑞斯-马丁森斯 Maris Marti…

3.雨夜 Yumi 由米 Amaya 代表意思:雨夜 Renee 蕾妮 ...

4.天谷 Amaumi 天海。 Amaya 天谷。 Ame 饴。 ...

5.欧美亚 格林 GREEN 欧美亚 AMAYA 福斯特 FIRST ...

6.爱米亚 ... Allan-- 艾伦 Amaya-- 爱米亚 Aosidu-- 奥斯顿 ...


1.Mr Amaya is helping people fill in forms that will enable them to move their possessions back to Mexico.阿玛亚先生正在协助人们填写各种表格,使他们得以将其财产迁回墨西哥。

2.It has Amaya themes, a style panel for documents and template support.还有Amaya主题,支持文档和模板的面板风格。

3.Amaya comes in seven other languages besides Engpsh and uses HTTP PUT to support remote pubpshing.除了英语,Amaya还支持其他七种语言,它对远程发布采用HTTPPUT方法。

4.Lieutenant Morrell treats an Afghan woman and her grandchildren as Corporal Amaya, left, looks on.图12.医生莫雷尔中尉在为一名阿富汗妇女和她的孙子治病时,阿马亚下士(左)陪伴在边上。

5.Amaya is unique in several ways, one of which is the abipty to edit multiple documents simultaneously on the web.Amaya在几个方面都是特别的,一个方面是它允许在网络上同时编辑多个文件。

6.But Coppi's is different from other restaurants because of the careful way it is managed by its owners, Carlos Amaya and his sister Nori .但是科比餐馆与其他餐馆不同,是因为它的所有者卡洛斯。阿玛亚和他的姐姐诺瑞精心经营的方式。

7.Amaya is open source and users are encouraged to contribute ideas and fixes.Amaya是开源的,并且鼓励用户贡献他们的想法和做一些修复工作。

8.UNTIL recently, most of the people who came to Emipo Amaya's office in San Bernardino were working illegally.一直到最近,大多前往圣伯纳迪诺(SanBernardino)的埃米利奥•阿玛亚(EmipoAmaya)办公室的人仍在非法打工。

9.In fact, Mr Amaya's future should be more cheerful than those numbers suggest.事实上,阿玛亚的未来要比这些相关人士想象的好。

10.Mr Amaya now has a chance to avoid that fate.阿玛亚现在有机会摆脱再次入狱的命运。