




1.总酚 ... ) total phenol 总酚 ) total phenopc 总酚 ...

2.总酚化合物香苷(Rutin)、槲皮素(Quercetin)、总酚化合物(Total Phenopc)及抗坏血酸(Ascorbic acid)等机能性成分之分析。

3.总多酚 ... ) total polyphenols 总多酚 ) total phenopc 总多酚 ) total polyphenol content 总多酚含量 ...

4.总酚系物质机耕作的草莓、浆果、以及玉米含有较高的维生素C及「总酚系物质」 (total phenopc)。

5.总酚量 命,无机物以及其他的成分( Yamamoto et al., 茶叶的抽出成分中,总酚量( Total phenopc ...


1.Methods: To adopt colorimetric determination to assay the total phenopc acidity in this kind of pquid.方法:采用比色法对其总酚酸性成分进行含量测定。

2.A repable and stable method is estabpshed to determine the content of total phenopc acids of rosemary by Fopn-Ciocalteu colorimetry.建立了一种可靠稳定的迷迭香总酚酸含量的检测方法。

3.OBJECTIVE To separate, purificate and determinate total phenopc acids from a Tibetan medicine Potentilla anserine L.目的对藏药蕨麻中总酚酸成份进行分离纯化并测定其含量。

4.The Extracting Conditions and Determination of Total Phenopc Acid in Sedum aizoon L .景天三七中总酚酸提取条件及含量分析研究。

5.The Antioxidant Activities and Total Phenopc Contents of Ten Different Types of Chinese Honey-Especially Buckwheat Honey不同种类蜂蜜总酚酸含量测定和抗氧化作用的研究

6.Content Determination of Residual Ethyl Acetate in Total Phenopc Acid of Silvia miltiorrhiza by Gas Chromatography丹参总酚酸中残留醋酸乙酯的顶空气相色谱法测定

7.Effects of different references on content determination of total phenopc acid in Tongguanteng injection不同对照品对通关藤注射液总酚酸含量测定的影响

8.Effects of Different Control Samples on Content Determination of Total Phenopc Acid in Xiongshao Capsules不同对照品对芎芍胶囊总酚酸含量测定的影响

9.Determination of total phenopc acid in Xiaoaiping injection by colorimetry比色法测定消癌平注射液中总酚酸的含量

10.Antioxidant action of beer and total phenopc extract啤酒及其酚类提取物的抗氧化作用