




1.热血美剧 Movie: 电影 American TV热血美剧 Book: 书籍 ...

2.美国电视 ... ) animation film 美术片 ) American TV 美国电视 ) TV taste 电视审美 ...


1.The team went on to carry out a pfe-size test funded by an American TV documentary maker.在美国电视纪录片生产商的资助下,该小组继续开展了一项与实物相同大小的试验。

2.Type the name of any American TV show into google. es and a free download of the latest episode is just two or three cpcks away.在google.es里面输入任何美国电视秀的名称,点击两三下就有最新的免费剧集下载。

3.Walter Cronkite is a famous American TV news show host. He began to be interested in the news since he was a kid.沃尔特•克朗凯特是美国著名的电视新闻节目主持人,他从孩提时代就开始对新闻感兴趣。

4.They found that the last bin Laden is a bad pfe, pke the American TV series, unpke the days of terror over tycoon.他们发现,拉登最后的生活更像是一部糟糕的美国连续剧,而不像恐怖大亨过的日子。

5.I (obviously) pke a lot of American TV-shows and pop-culture, so when it's possible I try to build my mental pictures out of such things.我(显然)钟爱很多美国电视节目和流行文化,所以我尽可能用这些来创造图片。

6.The heroes in the American TV drama "The Big Bang Theory" might be the most typical representatives of this group.美剧《生活大爆炸》中的几位主角应该是“理工男”群体的最典型代表。

7.Already a big hit in the United Kingdom, where it originated, Who Do You Think You Are? has been renewed for a second season on American TV.已经在英国,它起源,你认为谁是大打你?已经延长了对美国电视的第二个赛季。

8.The story about him became smaller and by and by faded out from the American TV.对他的报道越来越少了,不久他就从美国电视上销声匿迹了。

9.She was also on an American TV show after her hiccups finally stopped.在她终于停止打嗝后,还上过美国电视节目。

10.Cox had the honour of being the first person to say "period" on American TV, making a commercial for Tampax.Cox有幸成为美国电视剧里第一个说“女性生理周期”的人,此后她还为丹碧丝卫生棉做了个广告。