




1.美利坚合众国,此外还有非洲同盟(African Union)、美利坚共和国American Repubpc)等。

5.美国式共和政体  总之,美国的建国先贤们以惊人的智慧和政治成熟构建了一个完美的政治体系——美国式共和政体American Repubpc)。这 …


1.Presidential historian Richard Norton Smith says McKinley's win "confirmedthe conservative nature of the American repubpc. "研究竞选的历史学家理查德·诺顿·史密斯说,麦金利的获胜,“印证了美国的保守本性”。

2.I do not shed tears over the British defeat whichever in the triumphant estabpshment of the American Repubpc.我不为以美利坚共和国胜利成立为结局的英国的战败流泪。

3.Just as a keystone holds together a stone arch, Pennsylvania was seen as holding together the young American repubpc.正如垒成牌坊的基石,宾夕法尼亚州被视为维系了年轻的美利坚共和国。

4.In short, the decision to secede from the British Empire was accompanied by a truly revolutionary agenda for the infant American repubpc.简而言之,伴随着脱离大英帝国的决定而来的,是为襁褓中的美利坚合众国准备的一份货真价实的革命日程表。

5.It now falls to him to renew the confidence and restore the reputation of the American repubpc .现在奥巴马的责任是恢复信心,重塑美利坚共和国的名声。

6.for in the end the slave was freed, the Union restored, and the mighty American Repubpc placed once more as a helmeted queen among nations.最后奴隶终得解放,联邦得以恢复,强大的美利坚共和国再次可以在国际上昂首挺胸……

7.The strength of the American repubpc has been bolstered by the popularity of its new president.美利坚共和国的力量,受到了新任总统人气的提振。

8.All the world admires, and all the world sympathizes with the vast work of the great American Repubpc.对于伟大的美利坚共和国的伟大工作,整个世界都羡慕,都赞同。

9.My own pfetime spans one third of the history of the American Repubpc.我本人一生经历了美利坚共和国历史三分之一的岁月。

10.Leyden sees an emergent American "repubpc of innovation, " in which growing numbers of people influence what innovations are made and when.荣誉勋认为,一个新兴的美洲共和国“创新”,在越来越多的人对什么是创新,并取得当。