




1.动物救援 切切切 Spce 奇迹动物园:动物救兵 Wonder Zoo:Animal rescue 奇迹之城 miracle city ...

3.拯救动物勒翰(Dennis Lehane,《禁闭岛》)的《拯救动物》(Animal Rescue)、道格-里曼(Doug Liman,《谍影重重》)的《珠穆朗玛 …

4.动物大抢救 ... 18. Word Hunt 单字配对乐 19. Animal Rescue 动物大抢救 20. Number Finder 送信罗~数字在哪里? ...

5.拯救动物急先锋 ... joespi 就是... The Great tree:Animal Rescue( 解救动物园) Blacklake:Samuel's Rescue( 又一个可怜的守卫) ...

7.营救牲畜 ... Cargo Ship 水运货船 Animal Rescue 营救牲畜 My Crazy Roommate 疯子室友 ...

8.一个接一个的 ... (animal rescue) 一个接一个的(动物营救) OBO:Office of Business Oversight 办公室业务监督 ...


1.The city voted recently to end the bounty and form a task force involving three animal rescue organizations.镇议会最近投票通过中止捕猫赏金政策,改为与三个动物救援组织合组任务小组。

2.Instead, the southwest Iowa town has agreed to work with animal rescue groups on a catch, neuter and release program.相反地,这个位于爱荷华州西南部的小镇已同意与动物救援组织合作,进行「捕捉、结扎与放养」的计画。

3.Try showing your warm, sensitive side first by talking about your adorable nephew or your volunteer work at the animal rescue shelter.约会的时候不妨聊聊你可爱的小侄子,或谈谈你在动物收容所的志愿者工作,以此展现你女性温柔细腻的一面。

4.Candice volunteers with Girl Guides of Canada and Heavenly Creatures, an animal rescue organization.坎迪斯在加拿大的以家女孩指导中心和一家名叫“天堂生灵”的动物救援组织作志愿者。

5.Pictures of the dog were put up on animal rescue websites, asking for someone to adopt the dog.这只狗的照片被登在动物救援网站上,请求别人领养它。

6.Tess Cooper is wildpfe manager at the Paws Animal Rescue Centre in Yarrawonga.苔丝库珀是在野生动物的爪动物拯救中心在亚拉万加经理。

7.And animal rescue teams still treat oil-covered dolphins, turtles and other creatures.而动物救援队也还在处置被油污覆盖的海豚、海龟和其他动物。

8.as experts in animal rescue and animal rights advocators.以动物救援和动物权利为专业职责者。

9.Disabled dogs outfitted with wheelchairs walk at an animal rescue center on July 12, 2008, in Chengdu Sichuan province, China.2008年7月12日,中国四川省成都的一所动物救护中心,残疾的狗拄着轮椅行动。

10.I picked her up from the animal rescue centre.我从动物营救中心接她回家。