




1.钟志 谭南中(Nan-Zhong Tan);李 …


1.Meanwhile, Zhizhong does not know how to handle the financial difficulty. Old Madam Hong gives him a suggestion.其间,志忠不知道如何处理饭店的财务危机,洪老太只好给他一个建议。

2.Zhizhong asks Shixian and Jianzhong to stop the planned of the new resorts next to World Hotel, but they turn him down.志忠要世贤和建中停止在世界饭店旁的度假村发展计划,二人不肯答应。

3.Meanwhile, Ma Sha befriends Anping and plans to let him work with Zhizhong.同时,马沙视安平为朋友,打算安排他到联合饭店上班,与志忠共事。

4.Zhang Zhizhong: "I am afraid the work of Chinese Language Teaching in general is considered as a 'headache'. "而作文教学恐怕又是语文教学中的一个‘老大难’。

5.On Zhizhong's instigation, Mingming has a bitter quarrel with her father.志忠从中挑拨,明明又与她的父亲发生争执。

6.Meanwhile, Old Madam Hong gives Zhizhong a piece of land.其间,洪老太送给志忠一块地,作为增资之用。

7.In the meantime, Zhaoyi helps Zhizhong get back all the shares of World Hotel so she can get monetary reward from him.另一方面,昭仪设计助志忠取回世界饭店的所有股权,赚得一笔可观的现金回报。

8.Beyond the high prices, says Shuangxing's owner, Xiong Zhizhong, are larger issues.双兴堂的主人熊志忠说除了高昂的价格,还有更大的问题。

9.Congmin asks Ma Sha to take back his money from Zhizhong, but Ma Sha turns him down.聪敏要求马沙抽回借给志忠的资金,但马沙一口拒绝。

10.Ep560 - Old Madam Hong tries to persuade Zhizhong stop his evil deeds, but Zhizhong ignores her.洪老太苦口婆心劝志忠勿再做坏事,但志忠不加理会。