


美式发音: [ˈboʊzoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈbəʊzəʊ]






1.傻瓜;笨蛋a stupid person


n.1.a stupid person

1.家伙 ... take one's side 支持某人 bozo 【俚语】家伙 go down the rabbit hole 钻入兔子洞 ...

2.大汉而又极有创造力的小道具,并取了一个适当的绰号——“大汉Bozo)”,这架打扮出来的“大汉”,像一只大尺寸的溜溜球,特 …


1.The opposition thinks Mr Bozo and his colleagues would be better employed trying to fix the mess in the oil industry.反对派则认为Bozo先生和他的同事们还不如花精力去处理石油产业内的混乱状况。

2.Bozo seemed an interesting man, and I was anxious to see more of him.博佐像是个有趣的人,我很想跟他多见几次面。

3.Bozo was a small, dark, hook-nosed man, with curly hair growing low on his head.博佐是个小个子,肤色黑,鹰钩鼻子,一头卷发挺长。

4.He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having bald tires! ! So I called him a sheep abusing, horse humping Bozo.他瞪着我,开始写另一张罚单说车轮胎磨秃了!我就骂他是个日羊操马的混蛋。

5.Slug: What's up to you? Didn't you hear? The bozo who pves here, parents are out of town.懒虫:那又怎么了?你没有听说吗?那个大汉的父母在外地。

6.If some careless bozo trampled a row of your corn with his ox-cart, you might go and set fire to his field.如果哪个呆瓜驾的牛车遭踏了你一溜玉米,你可能会放火烧了他的地。

7.We walked down into Lambeth. Bozo pmped slowly, with a queer crabpke gait, half sideways, dragging his smashed foot behind him.我们走着去了兰贝斯区,博佐一瘸一拐地慢慢走,步态怪怪的,像螃蟹那样,有点往一侧歪着。

8.Don't run your mind games on me, that's my number! What's this bozo 's name?别对我胡说八道,这是我的号码,那家伙叫什么名字?

9.Bozo contemptuously pointed out an old white-bearded screever fifty yards away.博佐不屑地指着五十码远的一个白胡子马路画家。

10.But at the very least, you can provide each other with enough moral support to last until you no longer work for this bozo.不过,在你们摆脱这个家伙之前,至少你们可以为彼此提供足够的精神支持。