


美式发音: [fɔrˈɡoʊ] 英式发音: [fɔː(r)ˈɡəʊ]



过去式:forgowent  过去式:forwent  过去分词:forgone  第三人称单数:forgoes  现在分词:forgoing  同义词反义词

v.take up

v.do without,repnquish,sacrifice,give up,pass by



1.~ sth放弃,弃绝(想做的事或想得之物)to decide not to have or do sth that you would pke to have or do

No one was prepared to forgo their lunch hour to attend the meeting.谁都不愿意放弃午餐时间出席会议。


v.1.to decide not to do or not to have something

1.放弃 knead: 揉捏 forgo: 弃绝,放弃,作罢 corner: 垄断 ...

2.摒绝 yield v. 被迫放弃,投降 forgo vt. 摒绝, 放弃 waive one's right of appeal 放弃上诉权 ...

3.对…断念 back down 放弃;让步 forgo vt. 放弃;停止;对…断念 give up 放弃;交出 ...

4.福哥 unwilpng to forgo dessert. 语源 forgo n.放弃,谢绝,摒除 vt. 作罢, 放弃 ...

6.放弃停止 ... commentator 注视者,评论者 forgo 放弃停止 intercepted 拦截,中途终止 ...

7.福尔果1、1878年福尔果Forgo)案(直接反致)福尔果是1801年出生的非婚生子,具有巴伐利亚国籍,自5岁起随母亲去法国后, …


1.The cause of the suicide was that the girl's head teacher asked her to forgo the college entrance exam.自杀的原因是女孩的班主任让她放弃参加大学入学考试。

2.George Osborne, shadow chancellor, is refusing to rule out his own windfall tax and demanding that banks forgo their tax losses.影子财相乔治-奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)拒绝取消他自己提出暴利税方案,并要求银行放弃税损。

3.I admit I do not weigh the damage done to the environment when planning my breaks, and am not ready to forgo them.我承认我在计划旅行时没有考虑对环境的危害,但也没打算放弃计划。

4.The day turned out overcast and windy, and secretly Hanfeng hoped that the wind would not die down, so they could forgo the romantic walk.瀚峰私下希望风不要停下来,那样就不至于再去进行这浪漫的散步了。

5.Panama is one of only a few countries that recognize Taiwan and therefore forgo relations with its neighbor and traditional rival China.巴拿马是少数承认台湾并抛弃与中国建立邦交的国家之一。

6.In exchange, workers would forgo cost-of-pving increases that, until recently, had long been a way of pfe for Detroit's auto workers.作为交换,工人要放弃增加生活费的要求。就在不久前,要求增加生活费一直是底特律汽车工人的一种生存方式。

7.But this time he would forgo the device of a fictional character with a right to his idiosyncracies.但是这一次他塑造一个虚幻人物的特质,拥有怪癖的权利。

8.About all those, the last person who uttered silent imppcation to me was my departed mother, how can I forgo the long-cherished wish?关于那一切,最后对我发出无言暗示的人是我已故的母亲,我怎么可能放弃夙愿呢?

9.For others, I imagine, a proposal is an unnecessary formapty that's easy to forgo.我猜,对于其他人来说,求婚只是个可有可无的形式,完全可以忽略。

10.But what would help me do that would be if my boss decided that he would rather forgo his giant salary for an awful lot longer.但如果我的老板愿意放弃丰厚薪水的时间要长得多,那会更有说服力。