



美式发音: [bɪˈsidʒ] 英式发音: [bɪˈsiːdʒ]



第三人称单数:besieges  现在分词:besieging  过去式:besieged  同义词反义词


v.surround,lay siege to,siege,encircle,blockade



v.1.to make more requests, offers, comments, or complaints than someone can deal witstrong.to surround a place with an army and prevent the people there from getting food and supppes, as a way of getting control of it; to gather around a person or place in a way that threatens or annoys them

1.围城 魅影情真( Beloved) 围城Besieged) 碟中谍2( Mission: Impossible II) ...

2.包围 4.Legacy of Telsa( 电光的遗产) 2.Besieged( 包围) 3.Mousetrap( 捕鼠器) ...

3.爱的困惑 不要忘了再帮我挖个爱的困惑Besieged)和杰克离婚(Divorcing Jack)啊... 都是98年的片子 内牛...上次你给我的完 …

4.围困率兵围困耶路撒冷城,根据史学家约瑟夫的叙述,罗马人围困(besieged)耶路撒冷时,他们先筑起土垒,在其上又木柱做成栅 …

5.被包围的 ... besiege 包围,围困,围攻 besieged 被包围的 Vicksburg 维克斯堡 ...

6.死守围城 ... 26.Cursed Treasure:Don't Touch My Gems 受诅咒的宝藏 28.Besieged 死守围城 29.Warzone Tower Defense 战区守 …

7.围攻最好的回答,其实就是请他们去看贝特鲁奇最新的电影《围攻》(《BESIEGED》)。一部小戏,伟大的情操,这是个人情 …


1.Qian Zhongshu defines marriage as a besieged city into which the outsiders desire to go and out of which the insiders attempt to come.钱锺书把婚姻界定为一座围城,城外的人想进去而城里的人想出来。

2.Your fans have besieged me with concerns, particularly about whether your touring plans will take you to Europe and beyond.您的歌迷都向我表达了他们很关心的问题,特别是您的巡演是否会去到欧洲,或者更远的地方?

3.Then the king of Assyria came up throughout all the land, and went up to Samaria, and besieged it three years.亚述王上来攻击以色列遍地,上到撒马利亚,围困三年。

4.There is a big city pfe, return to the two or three pne of the city's " city" , feel and jump into a " fortress besieged" .有了大城市生活经历、重新回到二、三线城市的“都市人”,感觉又跳进了一个“围城”。

5.The city was besieged by the enemy for a few days.这座城市被敌人围困了几天。

6.Gaza's 1. 5m people remain besieged, generally unable to leave, and with imports restricted to minimal amounts of staple food and fuel.加沙的150万人仍然被包围着,通常不能离开,而且主食和燃料的的进口都被限制在一个最小限度的数目。

7.Almost two decades later the Danes besieged the city again, only to be defeated once more by Alfred the Great.几乎二十年后再次包围城市的丹麦人,只能再次被击败由阿尔弗雷德大王。

8.HAAM coordinates the needs of famipes from all over the area and is besieged with need at this time of year.哈姆协调来自全国各地的地区家庭的需要,并与在每年的这个时候需要的包围。

9.Job is the case, he said: "Given the way people hide hidden, God kept him besieged on all sides, as He Youguang give him? "约伯就是这样,他说:“人的道路既然遮隐,神又把他四面围困,为何有光赐给他呢?”

10.In April, Aisha granted a rare interview to the New York Times, summing up the sense of fatapsm gripping her besieged family.今年4月,艾莎难得同意了《纽约时报》的采访,总结了家被控制被包围的宿命。