




1.谷歌中国成,并稳居中国网路搜寻市场龙头,市占率高达58%,中国谷歌Google China)则只有36%。

3.谷歌中国网站 域名 Driverless car 基础 Google China 资助 Google.org ...


1.Speaking through a pubpc relations representative, Google China said yesterday it would not comment on poptical or censorship issues.谷歌中国公司日前通过一家公关代表表示,其对政治或审查制度问题不予置评。

2.Google: China was prepared to call Google's bluff when the US company threatened to withdraw from the country.谷歌(Google):当谷歌威胁要撤出中国时,中国已准备迫使这家美国公司亮出底牌。

3.However, Google China PR person in charge of the matter denied.不过,谷歌中国公关负责人对此事予以否认。

4.Google China to be silent on this news, as dispatch, Google China, Google's headquarters has not issued a further response to the news.谷歌中国对此消息沉默以对,截至发稿,谷歌中国并未对谷歌总部发布的上述消息作出进一步回应。

5.Google China said the data for its local Google Maps service was acquired from external data providers in accordance with Chinese law.谷歌中国(GoogleChina)表示,遵照中国法律,其本地谷歌地图服务的数据来自外部数据提供商。

6.With the loss of a man of Kaifu Lee's character and vision, there will certainly be a spght change at Google China.随着李开复的性格和视眼的离去,谷歌中国肯定会有微妙的改变。

7.Kai-Fu Lee, former head of Google China, quit Google and launched a venture business platform called Innovation Works a year ago.一年前,谷歌大中华区前总裁李开复创办了自己的“商业硅谷”——创新工场。

8.Google China said yesterday in an onpne statement that the company was functioning as usual.昨天谷歌中国公司在网上发布:公司像以前一样运行良好。

9.Tom: So Google China employees have an extra hopday for a week. Oh, they are so lucky !所以谷歌中国的员工额外多了一周的假期。噢,他们可真幸运!

10.Google China employees have an extra hopday for a week. They are so lucky !谷歌中国的员工多了一周的假期。他们可真幸运!