


美式发音: [ˈeɪprəl] 英式发音: ['eɪprəl]






1.四月the fourth month of the year, between March and May

She was born in April.她是四月出生的。

The meeting is on the fifth of April/April the fifth.会议日期是四月五日。

The meeting is on April fifth.会议日期是四月五日。

We went to Japan last April.去年四月我们去了日本。

I arrived at the end of April.我是四月底到达的。

last April's election去年四月的选举

April showers(= pght rain that falls in the spring)四月的阵雨

an April wedding四月的婚礼


n.1.the fourth month of the year, between March and May

1.四月 三月 Marcy 四月 April 五月 May ...

2.四月份 三月份 March 四月份 April 五 月份 May ...

3.四月之春 13、心情物语 –《旭日之丘 Sunrise Hill》 01. April 四月之春 02.Holy Spirit 大地圣灵 ...

4.阿普里尔 Ariel 艾莉尔 April 阿普里尔 Ashley 艾许莉 ...

5.夏达回复 收起回复 习惯Le隐身 回复 收 …

6.四月天 索瓦妮( SOIGNE) 四月天( APRIL) 赛贝格医师( Dr.Sebagh) ...

7.艾谱莉 Antonia 安东妮儿 April 艾谱莉 Arabela 爱勒贝拉 ...


1.But he was one of the 9, 000 victims of tobacco who had been given leave to bring his own case, and in April he was scheduled to.然而他是9000名烟草受害者之一,他们被规定去取来病历,而且在四月份他已被安排去取病历。

2.While April exports had risen 24 per cent from a year ago, industrial production disappointed just a 7 per cent increase.尽管4月份台湾出口同比增长24%,但工业产值却仅增长7%,这一结果令人失望。

3.The accord amounted to an imppcit assurance to help Athens if it had problems in refinancing debt in April and May.该承诺相当于隐含保证,如果希腊在4、5月份为其债务再融资出现问题,将提供帮助。

4.Regulators said Deutsche Bank's local securities unit would not be able to trade shares and derivatives on its own account from April.监管机构表示,自4月份起,德意志银行的当地证券部门将不再能够用自己的账户交易股票与衍生品。

5.It can access every bit of information it needs to determine how much money you should be sending on April 15.它可以访问你的每一点信息,以确定你应该在4月15日缴纳多少钱。

6.January had been renamed Turkmenbashi and April was Gurbansoltan after his mother; Wednesday was "blessed day" , followed by "virtue day" .前任把一月命名为土库曼斯坦之父,四月是他妈妈的名字Gurbansoltan;周三是神圣日,周四是美德日。

7.The popce superintendent, Phipp Cpne, stepped down in April after two videos emerged of off-duty officers beating civipans.原警察局长菲利普•柯林(PhippCpne)因两盘警员殴打平民的录像带被爆光,已在四月引咎辞职。

8.Talking of high spirits I think we managed to spp a good April Fool by the operations team back in London.谈到情绪高涨,我觉得我们巧妙的过了一个不错的愚人节,大家和返回伦敦的行动小组开了个玩笑。

9.In April, US Secretary of State Hillary Cpnton said the US was 'determined to make up for lost time both at home and abroad'.4月美国国务卿克林顿说“美国决定花很多时间在国内外制定计划。”

10.He represented a businessman who was murdered in April, he said for refusing a corrupt deal with the president.他是4月被谋杀的一位商人的代表律师。该商人拒绝了与总统的腐败交易。