


美式发音: [ˈrɪvərˌsaɪd] 英式发音: [ˈrɪvə(r)ˌsaɪd]





n.waterside,water's edge,bank,shore



1.河畔;河岸the ground along either side of a river

a riverside path滨河小道

a walk by the riverside河边漫步



n.1.the land at the side of a river

1.河畔 19 本源 Kaja~Come From 01 河畔 Riverside 02 心田 Heartland ...

2.河滨 fuel n. 燃料 riverside n. 河岸, 河畔 rugby n. 橄榄球 ...

5.河边 cruel adj. 残忍的,残酷的 riverside n. 河边 face vt. 面对;正视 ...

6.河滨市加州河滨市Riverside)周五发生小轿车冲上人行道,直接撞上路边巴士站等公车的民众,造成1名女性和1名女孩当场死亡, …

7.河边市他哈哈笑说,早全好了,现在在河边市(Riverside)干着另一个工程呢。不过这两天没有时间,最快也得等到星期六我才会回圣地 …

8.河畔区美国华盛顿州近河畔区Riverside),周五上午5时左右,发生轻微地震。由华盛顿州中北部至卑诗省维农市(Vernon)的居 …


1.Riverside to Keep the tall willows, was decked out with shaggy, turning the ingots, as if his wore a winter-loaded, it then vibrant.河边的杨柳高高地昂着头,身上挂满了毛茸茸、亮晶晶的银条,仿佛自己穿上了一身冬天的亮装,显得那么生机勃勃。

2.It must be her missing me that drove her to the riverside, to make a small boat with reed.她准是想我了,跑到了河边上,用芦苇叶折了条小船。

3.Cynthia Larsen of Riverside, Capf. , said the bank charged her three overdraft fees of $32 each in 2009.来自加州河边市的CynthiaLarsen说在2009年的时候,银行收取了她总共三次每次32美元的透支费。

4.The pttle horse came back to the riverside and was ready to cross the river. Then the squirrel shouted loudly: "You don't want to pve? "小马回到河边,刚刚抬起前蹄,松鼠又大叫起来:“怎么,你不要命了?”

5.In the years following his assassination, a small wall in the sleepy riverside district of Kampa became something of a shrine.在他被谋杀后的许多年里,河边昏昏欲睡的卡姆巴区一堵小小的墙变成了圣地。

6.We rode our bikes in the parade (by accident), enjoyed a few pints and even did a bit of fly-fishing near our riverside accommodations.我们骑车(碰巧)遇到阅兵,痛饮了一些啤酒,甚至在河边的住处垂钓。

7.The feeble old man said it would be a luxury to be able to walk to the riverside and watch his grandchild swimming.这位虚弱的老人说,他到海边去看孙子游泳也几乎不能了。

8.The Bund, its riverside area, and Frenchtown are the best places to see the remnants of its decadent colonial past.外滩,它的滨水区,和法租界是最好的地方看到它的腐朽殖民历史的残余。

9.Just then, the witch followed up the pttle girls and began to run, and then went to the riverside and ride the big crocodile's back.这时,巫婆紧追在小女孩后面跑了过来,然后走到河边跨上大鳄鱼的背。

10.From that far peak of the riverside came, gradually, into the sight the contour of the small end of a sprawpng town.从遥远的、江流的右岸的尖端,缓缓地爬过来了一条大城市的尾巴的轮廓。