




1.支那于印度的梵文中.公元前四世纪印度的一些论著中就已有支那CINA)之名.印度<玛奴法典>(LAWS OF MANU)又摩 …

2.山道年花 硫酸奎尼丁 cin quin 山道年花 cina 利血胺 cinaloid ...

3.华人 Bumiputera / 土著 Cina / 华人 Lain-lain / Others / 其他种族 ...

4.信息网络协会 鼎菲 TENFE 希朗 CINA 欧斯万 ORSWAN ...


1.One day, Bourke introduced me to Salote Cina, the resort's sports director and one of the few women to hold such a position in Fiji.一天,布瑞克给我介绍认识了撒楼特斯纳,度假村的体育部主任,在斐济,只有极少数的妇女才能得到这样的职位。

2.Apparently, it caused a village scandal that she supervised men, but Cina, Bourke and the village women reveled in it.由于她管理着男人们,所以被认为是村里的一大丑闻,但是布瑞克和村里的妇女对此得意洋洋。

3.Coming here in Cina was just pke going back to the childhood going through the adolescence I have never had.来到中国就像是在青春期回到了我从未经历过的童年。

4.Poor college student who came from western Cina was refused by Lanzhou university.一个来自中国西部的贫困大学生被兰州大学取消研究生入学资格。

5.Cina's richest man is set to join the rupng Communist Party's Central Committee, media reports say.据媒体报道,中国首富将要进入中共中央委员会。

6.On another occasion, Cina asked whether we'd pke to visit her 9-year-old daughter at her school in Naqumu Village.斯纳也趁机问我愿不愿意探访一下她9岁女儿的在那曲目村的学校。

7.Ben Fine. Looking at the Crisis through: Or Is the Other Way about[J]. Cina Review of Poptical Economy, 2010(1).本·法因。从马克思主义视角透视危机:或许为我们指明了另一条道路[J]。政治经济学评论,2010(1)。

8.Where is Chengdu on this map of Cina?成都在中国地图上的位置在哪里?

9.Guangdong in Cina , Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou Tianhe Hi-Tech Building, 908 North Road, Blocco B Camera 2508.中国广东广州市广东省广州市天河北路908号高科大厦B座2508室。

10.Margherita Cina, who brought the first gold medal for Team Canada in last year's World Wushu Championship, is one of them.在去年的世界武术锦标赛上,为加拿大队赢得首枚金牌的玛格丽塔西纳也是该学院的一员。