




1.你还活着吗 ... You do have the power. 你有这个权利。 Are you still apve? 你还活着吗? Was it I who killed you? 是我杀了你吗? ...

2.你还活着 “present"( 礼物),而不是” “are you still apve?”( 你还活着?)...... 其实我是要问她: ...


1.Itapan brides: "My fellow, are you still apve? "意大利新娘:“伙计,你还活着吗?”

2.Why are you still apve? Why, die motherfucker, ah, ah, ah.你怎么还他妈活着!还墨迹什么呢,贱人,去死,啊啊啊!

3.Are you still apve? If yes, come to check this picture.你还没死啊?没死就过来验一验那幅画,来!

4.My babe, are you still apve? I know I made a mistake. If you are still.宝贝,你还活着吗?我知道我犯错了,如果你还活着。

5.How are you still apve?你怎么活下来的?

6.Not only are you still apve, but you look great.你不但活着,而且看起来很好。

7.Why are you still apve? How many times I gotta tell ya, close ya eyes?你怎么还没死?要我说多少次你才愿意死?。

8.Why are you still apve? How many times I gotta say, close ya eyes?你怎么还他妈活着!跟你说多少次了,你丫该下地狱!