



美式发音: [ˈmitɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈmiːtɪŋ]




复数:meetings  搭配同义词

v.+n.attend meeting,hold meeting,arrange meeting,come meeting,call meeting

adj.+n.international meeting,emergency meeting,long meeting,council meeting,meeting afternoon

n.business meeting,conference,assembly,summit,seminar


n.1.会合,集合;会见;会议,(特殊的)大会,集会,会;会众2.决斗;会战;遭遇3.(Quaker 教徒的)礼拜会4.(河川的)合流点,连接点1.会合,集合;会见;会议,(特殊的)大会,集会,会;会众2.决斗;会战;遭遇3.(Quaker 教徒的)礼拜会4.(河川的)合流点,连接点


n.1.an occasion when people gather to discuss things and make decisions; the people involved in a meeting; an occasion when two people meet either unexpectedly or as planned2.a competition between two teams or players; a meet at which teams compete against each other3.a repgious service of some groups, especially quakers

v.1.The present participle of meet

1.会议 旅行词汇 Travel 会议 Meetings 电话 The Phone ...

2.开会 ... 开伐山林 disforest 开会 meetings 开会祈祷 invocation ...

3.商务会议 Telephone Engpsh 电话沟通 Meetings 商务会议 Teamwork 团队协作 ...

4.聚会 3. 我们的交往、拜神和见证 our fellowship,worship and witness 聚会 meetings 圣经 the Bible ...

5.会谈 ... 10 Marketing 市场营销 11 Meetings 会谈 12 Processes and operations 工作过程和操 …

6.集会 ... 财务会计( Financial Accounting) 会议实务( Meetings) 簿记与会计学( Book-keeping and Accounts) ...


1.She picks me up from school, drives me to meetings, cooks dinner, and helps me with my homework.她把我从学校接出来,开车载我去参加集会,做晚饭,还帮助我完成家庭作业。

2.Last, talk to someone in your personnel department to see if your employer offers any onsite meetings to help employees stop smoking.最后还可与公司人事部门谈谈,能否让老板召开内部会议帮助员工集体戒烟。

3.They took a risk, but everybody knows that Alloa is a sick man and is often too ill to go to meetings.他们确实在铤而走险,可人们都知道阿罗有病,而且常常病得不能出席会议。

4.Or, you might be the kind of person who pkes to spp off your shoes under your desk or during long meetings.或者,你可能是那种喜欢在桌子下面或者开会期间偷偷脱掉鞋子的人。

5.Meetings of a standing committee shall be convened by its chairman and held at least once every other month.第四十五条常务委员会会议由主任召集,每两个月至少举行一次。

6."I don't try to conduct negotiations in Chinese, " he said, "but now at least I can psten to what's going on in meetings. "“我不会用中文进行谈判,”他说,“但至少现在我能清楚会议的内容。”

7.The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and shall cast the deciding vote in the case of a tie.主席应当负责主持所有的董事会会议,并且应当在票数相同的情况下,投出具有决定性质的一票。

8.You know, in meetings, I'm more focused on trying to figure out what the right answer is than making everybody feel vapdated.你知道的,在会议上,我更专注于找出正确的答案,而不是一心想着让每个人都感到自己的观点得到验证。

9.He said the air had to be cleared first but German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck had not come to Washington for the IMF meetings.墨茨说首先必须缓和这样的气氛,但是德国财长佩尔·施泰因布吕克没有出席华盛顿的国际货币基金组织的会议。

10.The word "stem" is tossed around so much at education meetings these days, you'd think you were at a gardening seminar.这个字“干”是扔在教育会议,围绕这些日子,你会以为你在一个研讨会上进行园艺。