


网络释义:世界银行学院(World Bank Institute);业务整合中间件(WebSphere Business Integration)


1.世界银行学院(World Bank Institute)由世界银行学院WBI)和世界银行集团赞助、游戏大师Jane McGonigal领衔开发的游戏EVOKE,就是一个很好的例子。该游 …

2.业务整合中间件(WebSphere Business Integration)这篇文档主要关注的是如何开发JCA Adapter,因此关于如何在WID中建立WebSphere Business Integration (WBI) Project这里 …


1.At present, the design of WBI Connect only processes synchronous XML responses when used in conjunction with a WBI Adapter for web services.现在,WBIConnect被设计为:当它与Web服务WBIAdapter联合使用时,仅处理同步XML响应。

2.The WBI suite allows you to implement a hub-and-spoke architecture using WBI ICS and WBI Adapter suite, respectively.WBI套件允许分别使用WBIICS和WBI适配器套件来完成hub-and-spoke体系结构。

3.The WBI Adapters communicated with the required EIS system and generated a WebSphere MQ message containing the data in an XML format.WBI适配器与所需的EIS系统通信并生成一个包含XML格式数据的WebSphereMQ消息。

4.Once HTTP Adapter agent is installed and running, you can configure it using the WBI ICS administration console, known as System Manager.一旦HTTPAdapter代理安装并且运行,您就可以使用WBIICS管理控制台,即SystemManager来对其进行配置。

5.The SAI leverages the WBI Adapter Framework and allows you to develop an adapter that can send events to WBI ICS (not receive events).SAI利用了WBIAdapter框架,并且允许您开发能将事件发送到WBIICS(不是接收事件)的适配器。

6.Therefore the typical practice of using data binding is to covert the EIS Data (WBI record Object) to an SDO and vice versa.因此,使用数据绑定的典型做法是将EIS数据(WBI记录对象)转换为SDO,反之亦然。

7.In order for this solution to be viable, you need to confirm whether you can do without the services provided by WBI Connect.为了实施这个解决方案,您需要确认是否能够不用WBIConnect提供的服务。

8.The resulting apppcation implementation deploys on a WBI Server Foundation runtime.最终的应用程序实现发布到WBI基础运行服务器上。

9.The WBI Adapters act as a mediator between apppcations, protocols, and WBI ICS (the broker).WBIAdapters在应用程序、协议和WBIICS(broker)间扮演中介者的角色。

10.To do this, WBI ICS needs to map the data from the ASBO format to the canonical generic business object (GBO) format.要实现这一目标,WBIICS需要将数据从ASBO格式映射到规范的通用业务对象(genericbusinessobject,GBO)格式。