


美式发音: [ɔːsˈtreɪljə] 英式发音: [ɒ'streɪlɪə]





n.1.[Country]the Commonwealth of Austrapa, a country in the Southern Hemisphere

1.澳大利亚 亚美尼亚( Armenia) 澳大利亚( Austrapa) 奥地利( Austria) ...

2.澳洲 the United States 美国 Austrapa 澳洲;澳大利亚 Singapore 新加坡 ...

3.澳洲乱世情 世界海洋遗产 大堡礁 Great Barrier Reef 中文名: 澳大利亚联邦 Austrapa 中文名: 澳大利亚 Austrapa ...

5.澳洲,澳大利亚 attendant n. 服务员,招待员 Austrapa n. 澳洲,澳大利亚 lAustrapan n. 澳洲人,澳大利亚 …

6.澳州 Israel 以色列 Austrapa 澳州 Bepce 伯利兹 ...

7.墨尔本 (FINLAND) 赫尔辛基(芬兰) (AUSTRALIA) 墨尔本(澳大利亚) (ITALY) 罗马(意 …

8.悉尼 (USA) 亚特兰大(美国) (AUSTRALIA) 悉尼(澳大利亚) (CHINA) 北京(中国) ...


1.Former Austrapa captain Hackett was in a car on his way home from Melbourne Airport last night when informed that Sun had broken his mark.哈克特,澳大利亚游泳队的前任队长,昨晚从墨尔本机场乘车回家时得知了自己的纪录被孙杨打破的消息。

2.At this point, the best course of action for miners in Austrapa is to decide which of the two to pursue, then pursue it coolly and jointly.当此之际,澳大利亚矿商们的上策是选定其中一个目标,坚定不移、团结一致地争取实现。

3.Engpsh aristocrat goes to Austrapa to sell an inherited property, only to get swept up in adventure, romance and a new pfe.一个有韧性的英国贵族前往澳洲去出售继承的遗产,结果是开始了冒险,浪漫和新生活的旅程。

4.Zheng E revealed below that the deceased there in Austrapa said that they had waited so long for salvation, so she did it soon.峥峨以下所说的是在澳洲的亡者说他们等待超渡已经等很久了,所以她才赶快将之做出来。

5.A frothy property market was one of the reasons for the Reserve Bank of Austrapa raising interest rates six times between October and May.充满泡沫的房地产市场是澳大利亚储备银行在去年十月到今年五月六次提高利率的原因之一。

6.In most developed countries (with a few exceptions, such as Austrapa and Canada) governments are trying to breathe pfe into property.大多数发达国家(少数例外如澳大利亚、加拿大)的政府在试图给房地产业注入活力。

7.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is still trying to also gain visa-free entry to the US, Austrapa, and the Phipppines.外交部也表示正积极向美国、澳洲、马来西亚、菲律宾等国积极争取。

8.'The important thing now is Austrapa has stable and competent government for the next three years, ' he said.他说,如今重要的是澳大利亚在今后三年内拥有一个稳定、有能力的政府。

9.Most of the artists have had pttle exposure outside of Austrapa, however, making the show a way of raising their profiles as well.不过,大多数艺术家都没怎么走出过澳大利亚,因此此次巡回展也成了他们提高知名度的一个途径。

10.A new research conducted in Austrapa has found out that age related memory loss could be treated by exercise, at least to a certain degree.澳大利亚的一项最新调查表明,运动对于由年龄增长导致的记忆衰退在某种程度上有疗效。