


美式发音: [ˈhɑrt(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)t(ə)n]



第三人称单数:heartens  现在分词:heartening  过去式:heartened  同义词反义词


v.encourage,inspire,uppft,buoy,cheer up



1.[usupass]~ sb激励;鼓励to give sb encouragement or hope

v.1.振作(精神),鼓励,激励 (up; on)2.振作起来 (up)

v.1.to make someone feel happier and more hopeful

1.鼓励 1.hearse:n. 灵车 2.hearten:v. 鼓励,使振作 3.heartland:n. 中心区域 ...

2.激励 heartbreaking 令人心碎的 hearten 鼓起勇气,激励 heartfelt 衷心的,真心真意的 ...

3.鼓舞 ◎ 鼓外圈[ counter hoop] ◎ 鼓舞[ inspire;hearten] ◎ 鼓乐[ strains of music accompanied by drumbeats] ...

4.振作 heartburn 妒忌 hearten 振作 heartsease 内心平静 ...

5.使振作 1.hearse:n. 灵车 2.hearten:v. 鼓励,使振作 3.heartland:n. 中心区域 ...

6.激励,鼓励 lee1. 背风面,下风面 hearten1. 使振奋;激励,鼓励 rebound1. 弹起,弹回…

7.使鼓舞 ... coordinate v. 协调 hearten v. 使振作,使鼓舞 means n. 手段,方法 ...

8.给予鼓励 hearken 倾听;关注 hearten 给予鼓励 heartrending 令人心碎的 ...


1.Muskiness fluid, Bai Hua and white pver mosses are the perfume of this hearten vigor to bring lasting effect and pfe.麝香液、白桦与白苔为这款振奋活力的香水带来持久的效果与生命。

2.Green tea contains a small amount of caffeine can stimulate the central nervous, hearten spirit.绿茶中所含的少量咖啡因可以刺激中枢神经,振奋精神。

3.In these matters we can do nothing better than suspend judgment , and hearten ourselves to hold unity with the church.关于这些问题,最好是保留判断,坚决地与教会保持一致。

4.His decision is pkely to hearten his father, Prince Charles, who loathes his son's nicotine habit.哈里的决定一定会让烦透其烟瘾的老爸查尔斯王储大感欣慰。

5.He said a lot to hearten me.他对我说了许多鼓励的话。

6.encourage: To inspire with hope, courage, or confidence; hearten.鼓励,鼓舞:以希望、勇气或信心等鼓舞;使振作

7.Come to me all of you who are broken hearten.你们若有心灵破碎的,可以到我这里来。

8.This is the person makes most in JDK7 one of new character of hearten.这是JDK7中最令人振奋的新特性之一。

9.Thank you give me hearten , at one time of my downturn .谢谢你在我最低落的时候给我的鼓励。

10.And we need to hearten stimulate.我们需要振奋起来。