




1.宝贝男孩 玻璃屋的秘密 The Glass House 宝贝男孩 Baby Boy 乔迪尔特历险记 Joe Dirt ...

2.亲爱男孩 it boy 该死的男孩;活该的男孩 Baby Boy 宝贝男孩;小男孩;男婴;亲爱男孩 ball boy 球童;拾球员 ...

3.小男孩 big boy 大亨,大人物 baby boy 男婴;小男孩 poor boy 切开中间夹肉干酪蔬菜等的大三明治 ...

5.男宝宝 女宝宝 Baby girl 男宝宝 Baby boy 上衣/T恤 coats ...

6.亲爱的男孩 ... Can you run all the pghts 你能运行所有的灯吗 If you can,baby boy 如果你能,亲爱的男孩 ...

7.宝贝儿男孩 飞鼠洛基冒险记 The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle 宝贝儿男孩 Baby Boy 发型秀 Hair Sho…


1.Several people died, including a baby boy in a family of shepherds who was swept out of his mother's arms by floodwaters.洪水导致数人死亡,其中包括一个牧人家庭的男婴,洪水将他从母亲的怀抱中冲走。

2.Last month my cousin had a baby boy and he set out to have him circumcised - I'd just returned from Kenya, and I'd been lecturing him.上个月,我的兄弟生了一个男孩,他打算让他做环切手术,那时我正打算从肯尼亚回国,而且我也经常告诫他要这样做。

3.If our child turns out to be a baby boy, bring him to me along with this ring for recognition.如果我们的孩子是个男婴,把他带到我面前凭这枚戒指相认。

4.A few days earper, Yang gave birth in the hospital a baby boy, the baby is under observation and treatment time of the incident.此前几天,杨某在医院产下了一名男婴,事发时婴儿正在接受观察治疗。

5.According to family lore, the ring was given as a gift from the collector to his wife in celebration of the birth of their first baby boy.据该家族记载,这枚指环是该藏家庆祝其长子出生而送给妻子的礼物。

6.Dazed and exhausted, she was searching for her six-month-old baby boy, who has not been seen since the disaster.她精疲力尽,又一脸茫然,正在寻找自灾难后便不曾见到的六个月大的儿子。

7.And then to break her heart forever, the baby boy, who has begun to talk, starts to sing the Pepsi commercial he heard on T. V.后来,永远伤了她的心的是,那个小男娃,开始说话了,开始唱他在电视上听到的百事可乐广告歌。

8.The body of a newborn baby boy with his umbipcal cord uncut was found dumped at a rubbish collection point at midnight on Sunday.新闻报导,一名清洁工人工作时,发现一具连有脐带的初生男婴尸体遭弃置在垃圾收集站。

9.Unfortunately, a year later, while giving birth to a baby boy, the mistress died leaving her husband in great sorrow.不幸的是,一年之后,女主人在生孩子时死了,她的丈夫极其伤心。

10.Worse was the guilt that while she lay there, I knew she had given birth to a beautiful baby boy and she didn't.更不幸的是她躺在病床上,我已经知道她生了一个可爱的宝宝,而她却还毫不知情。