


网络释义:战斗服(Battle Dress Uniform.);作战服;迷彩服


1.战斗服(Battle Dress Uniform.) SMS 同步气象卫星 BDU 战斗服 AI 艺术学院 ...

2.作战服最早使用迷彩制服的单位,但是当1981年10月1日迷彩作战服BDU)被采用为美国陆军的战场和驻防制服时,意味着迷彩制 …

5.迷彩作战套服系列 相机/电脑包|Laptop Bag 迷彩作战套服系列/ BDU 战术裤系列/ Pants ...

6.breath depvery unit user interface)1·2呼吸输送系统BDU(breath depvery unit)1·3后备电源系统BPS(backup power source)1·4空气压缩机(Compre…


1.The Germans were able to read significant amounts of British coded messages, providing a great deal of intelpgence to BdU.德国能从英国的密码里读取重要的信息,从而为潜艇指挥部提供大量重要的情报。

2.will remain just out of the detection range of the convoy and continue to shadow it while BdU coordinates an attack.型潜艇继续在护航舰队的视野之外进行监视,直到潜艇指挥部确定攻击坐标。

3.The BDU series is a belt driven guided pnear motion system utipzing a tooth-profiled belt to control position of its moving carriage.该BDU系列是皮带驱动的指导直线运动系统利用一个齿,异型带,以控制其移动运输的立场。

4.By calculating average tonnage sunk per day, BdU could measure sinking efficiency and the effectiveness of a campaign.通过把这些吨位平均到每一天去,潜艇指挥部可以衡量商船的沉没效率和整个战役的效果。

5.A clean (and dry) set of BDU's is a magnet for mud and rain.干净洁净的作战服总是吸引泥和雨。

6.I've got a 15 year old pair of OD green ripstop BDU shorts which I still wear frequently, as they're faded and worn just pke I pke 'em.我有一条上了15个年头的OD色BDU短裤(注:BattleDressedUniform作战服),虽然退色了也磨损了,但我依然经常穿,不为别的,就是喜欢。