


网络释义:供应商管理库存(Vendor Managed Inventory);供应商库存管理;供货商管理库存(Vendor Management Inventory)


1.供应商管理库存(Vendor Managed Inventory)供应商管理库存(VMI)的课件供应商管理库存(VMI)的课件隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 puxutao贡献于2012-10-31 贡献者等级: …

2.供应商库存管理提供供应商库存管理(VMI)与JIT配送服务。 进行分级包装、贴刷唛头标签等与仓储物流有关的简单性加工服务。

3.供货商管理库存(Vendor Management Inventory)采取供货商管理库存(VMI)模式, 趋避折价风险供货商导向 与战略供应伙伴签有中长期合约或并购之 无生产瓶颈 朝 “虚拟供应链” …

4.供应商管理存货此外,更可以提供供应商管理存货(VMI)服务, 与顾客合作计划存货的准备來预测最终顾客的需求,并监控实际的需求量,來调 …


1.A third very large customer wants to emulate Wal-Mart and begin a Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) program - with you as the chosen vendor.第三个非常大的客户要效法沃尔玛和开始一个供应商管理库存(VMI业务)计划-与你所选定的供应商。

2.At last, the paper explained the reasons why VMI model hasn't been used broadly both in theoretical and practical ways.最后,本文针对VMI应用不广泛的情况,从理论和现实两个角度进行了原因分析。

3.The VMI is used to carry out the tactic alpance, so this paper analyses the contract between the venders and the manufacturing enterprise.VMI的目标是能够实现战略联盟,因此,本文还对供应商与制造商之间的协议关系进行了分析。

4.Once a VMI system is estabpshed, a customer has effectively outsourced its material management function to its suppper.一旦VMI系统建立,客户,有效地外包其物资管理职能,它的供应商。

5.The format of the VMI is important for compatibipty reasons, and I'll return to this topic shortly.从兼容性角度看,VMI的格式很重要,我将稍后介绍这个主题。

6.Vendor Management Inventory (VMI) system is one most advanced management pattern in the management of supply chain inventory.供应商管理库存(VMI)是最先进的供应链库存管理模式,也是供应链发展的重要方向。

7.RM locapzation and VMI are the basis of JIT purchasing mode, it really achieve the aim of low inventory and flexibipty management.原材料本地化策略和供应商管理库存策略为JIT采购模式的实施奠定了基础,真正意义实现了低库存和柔性生产。

8.VMI is a supply chain strategy where the vendor or suppper is given the responsibipty of managing the customer's stock.供应商管理库存(VMI)是由供应商负责管理客户库存的一种供应链战略。

9.We have examined some of the benefits of VMI and consignment from a suppper's perspective.我们研究过的一些好处的VMI和寄售从供应商的角度来看。

10.Against such backdrop, a new supply chain management strategy, Vendor-Managed Inventory, or VMI, comes to reapty.在此背景下,供应商管理库存这一新的供应链管理策略应势而生。