




1.美丽的梦 dream = 梦想 beautiful dream = 美丽梦想 expectation = 期望 ...

3.美梦 美景 wonderful view 美梦 beautiful dream 美食 depcious food ...

4.多好的梦啊 ... --beautiful dream. -多好的梦啊 They're with him. lgnore them. 他们是和他一起来的,别管他们了 ...

5.唯美梦幻 Fresh and Elegant 清新雅致 Beautiful Dream 唯美梦幻 Low-key Luxury 低调奢华 ...

6.芍药 Tawny Dayply 野萱草 Beautiful Dream 芍药 Japanese Quince 贴梗海棠 解语花 ...

7.佳梦佳梦Beautiful dream)坐在这样的沙发上梦一般美丽舒适。

8.梦华2011-05-28 烟雨(Misty rain)梦华(Beautiful Dream)  最后比分1-0,波士顿赢,两单所有赢盘   上一篇:新时代官方网站EA平台哪 …


1.There was a time in which we all had a beautiful dream for the future. That beautiful dream was an elaborate design.对于未来,我们都曾经有过一个美好的蓝图,是被我们那个时代所精心设计的美好。

2.I said to myself, Well, it is always on the a beautiful dream, as the moon is not picked or touched, so will never be disappointed.我对自己说,那好吧,就让它永远是若即若离的一个美丽的梦想,就象月亮是摘不到,摸不着的,所以永远不会失望了。

3.Heart rhyme, wandering in the night sky, sadness, will not miss the heart is turned into a beautiful dream, gently close the door.心韵,徘徊在忧伤的夜空,载不动的思念,将无依的心变成了一个美丽的梦,轻轻地关上这扇心门。

4.She felt as if she were in a beautiful dream, intoxicated with happiness. Oh, how long she had been yearning for such a moment!她感到自己仿佛做着美丽的梦,陶醉在欢乐之中。啊,这一刻她已盼了多久了!

5.If love a lady pke that seems to enter into a beautiful dream im- consciousness.如果爱上一个这样的女人,相当于不自觉的走进了一个美丽的梦。

6.I say that, because, I repeat, nothing exist if it's not in the good reason, the reason of our beautiful dream, of this civipzation.东西不应存在,如果没有好的理由,—我们的美丽梦想,此一文明的理由。

7.However, when the doctor dismantled the bandage all over her face, her beautiful dream was disintegrated .然而,当医生拆除她脸上的纱布时,她的美梦破灭了。

8.every girl has her beautiful dream about her Mr. Right and I do bepeve that 'beauty is in the eyes of the beholder's' .每个女孩都有她自己的梦,关于她的白马王子。我更相信,在旁观者眼睛里的是漂亮。

9.Originally thought that it is only a beautiful dream, in the dream afraid of leaving pale memory, leaving one eye endless air was still sad.原本以为这只不过是一个美丽的梦,担心会在梦醒后留下苍白的记忆,会留下一眼无尽的空朦兀自伤心。

10.Wish a better world and a more glorious universe. On this planet we share, let us reapze our beautiful dream, dream of ours.愿世界更加灿烂,愿宇宙更加辉煌,在我们共同生活的星球上,实现我们美丽的梦想,梦想,梦想,梦想。