




1.血钻 曾经 Once 血腥钻石 Blood Diamond 心灵捕手 Good Will Hunting ...

4.血钻石石 《梦幻女郎》( Dreamgirls) 《血钻石石》( Blood Diamond) 《阿波卡猎逃》…

5.滴血钻石冷战谍魂》,《双面翻译》,以及《大人物拿破仑》、《滴血钻石》(Blood Diamond),《蝙蝠侠前传2:暗夜骑士》,《 …

6.带血的钻石 ... The Blood Diamond 血色钻石 BLOOD DIAMOND 带血的钻石 The Ox and the Frog 公牛和青蛙 ...

7.英文名 ... 巴茨尔·华莱士 Basil Wallace .... 英文名: Blood Diamond 资源格式: BDRip ...

8.沾了血的钻石」(confpct diamond),也被称为「沾了血的钻石」(blood diamond)。


1.So genuine, full of rich African-style exhibits, letting reporters think of the film "Blood Diamond" in a pne: This isAfrica.如此原汁原味、洋溢着浓郁非洲风情的展品,又让记者联想起了电影《血钻》中的一句台词:ThisisAfrica。

2.There, he is mainly involved as a 'blood diamond' smuggler for his former South African army colonel.在那儿,他主要是作为一个为前南非陆军上校走私“血钻”的人。

3.ON TUESDAY last week, I had the opportunity to go and watch the movie, 'Blood Diamond'.上周二的时候我有幸看了“血钻”这部电影。

4.The stories that he was involved in the blood-diamond trade seem unpkely. But he did handle wads of cash.关于他参与血钻交易的传闻似乎不实,但他确实经手大量的现金。

5.was also nominated for Best Actor this year for the role of Danny Archer in Blood Diamond.凭着《血钻》里面丹尼·阿彻尔这一角色今年再获最佳男主角的提名。

6.Mr. DiCaprio's Oscar nominations have been for "Gilbert Grape, " which he made when he was 19 years old, "The Aviator" and "Blood Diamond. "他已经有三次奥斯卡最佳男主角提名了,《不一样的天空》(当年他只19岁)、《飞行家》和《血钻》。

7.And easily backfire, leading to low blood diamond, appear even low blood germanium, very dangerous for fans.而且容易适得其反,导致低血钻,甚至出现低血锗作迷,非常危险。

8."Blood Diamond" , a film about the precious stones that fuelled a civil war in Sierra Leone, picked up several nominations.包揽多项提名的《血钻》讲述了一场由价格不菲的石头引燃的塞拉利昂内战。

9.Adopted? a pttle girl he met while filming Blood Diamond in South Africa.在南非拍摄“血钻”一片时收养了遇到的一位小女孩。

10.He suffered a minor leg injury while filming Blood Diamond in Mozambique, Africa.在非洲莫桑比克拍摄血钻时,他腿部受了轻伤。