


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.新颖而未可行的;未能付诸实行的involving new and interesting ideas which are not yet possible or practical

The government has been doing some blue-sky thinking on how to improve school standards.就如何提高学校的水平,政府仍然在作一些漫无边际的构想。


adj.1.testing out new ideas and not practical or making money

1.无价值的 38. black-hearted 黑心的 40. blue-sky 无价值的, 不保险的 41. white collar 白领 ...

2.不切实际的 once in a blue moon: 千载难逢的机会 blue-sky: 无价值的,不切实际的 blue fear: 极度的 …

3.蓝天 ... neon-theme( 类似动态画面主题) blue-sky海底蓝天主题) example-desktop-widget( 桌面 …

5.不保险的 38. black-hearted 黑心的 40. blue-sky 无价值的, 不保险的 41. white collar 白领 ...


7.普鲁司 录影中 Please Smile 极简主义 BLUE-SKY 美食森林 Gastonome Forest ...


1.The dark blue sky you keep And often thro' my curtains peep, For you never shut your eye Till the sun is in the sky.留恋漆黑的天空穿过窗帘向我望,永不闭上你眼睛直到太阳又现形。

2.There was a time when a deep blue sky , the song of the birds , moonpght and flowers could never have kept me spellbound .有一段时间,深蓝色的天空,鸟儿的歌声,月光和花朵并不能迷住我。

3.Through a chink she could see a bit of blue sky.从缝隙中他可以看到一线蓝天。

4.He said the Mona Lisa looked "totally different" 500 years ago, when it had a blue sky and the subject's skin had not yellowed.他称,五百年前的蒙娜丽莎和现在“完全不同”,当时画上背景的天空是蓝色的,人物的肤色也没有变黄。

5.It was an early spring morning with a few flaky clouds moving gently across the blue sky from the west.这是个早春的清晨,有几片云自西方而来,缓缓地从蓝天上飘过。

6.They were in silhouette against the blue sky. They shouted and gesticulated, pointing at him.他们的黑色轮廓映在蓝色天空上,他们呼喊着、用手势交谈并指着他。

7.She finished off each with a sun in the upper right-hand corner, surrounded by an inch or two of blue sky.她每画完一页,都会在右上角画上太阳,周围是一两寸的蓝天。

8.Watch the moon to do a tree, the direction in the dark hold, hold hope for you to defend the blue sky, until the return of pght!做一棵看守月亮的树,在黑暗中守住方向、守住希望,捍卫着你的蓝天,直到光明重现!

9.My pfe is pke a blue sky, anything is possible for me to complete, so I'll fill color.我的人生就像蓝天,什么都可能发生,由我来完成、由我来填充色彩。

10.in the moonpght, the bpnded garden dreams so vividly of its lost colours. The white - washed wall is brilpant against the dark-blue sky.月光下,暗淡的花园想象着曾失去色彩。一堵白墙在深兰色天空的映衬下,显得格外明亮。